P1000 超级玛丽游戏



#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << " ********" << endl;
cout << " ************" << endl;
cout << " ####....#." << endl;
cout << " #..###.....##...." << endl;
cout << " ###.......###### ### ###" << endl;
cout << " ........... #...# #...#" << endl;
cout << " ##*####### #.#.# #.#.#" << endl;
cout << " ####*******###### #.#.# #.#.#" << endl;
cout << " ...#***.****.*###.... #...# #...#" << endl;
cout << " ....**********##..... ### ###" << endl;
cout << " ....**** *****...." << endl;
cout << " #### ####" << endl;
cout << " ###### ######" << endl;
cout << "##############################################################" << endl;
cout << "#...#......#.##...#......#.##...#......#.##------------------#" << endl;
cout << "###########################################------------------#" << endl;
cout << "#..#....#....##..#....#....##..#....#....#####################" << endl;
cout << "########################################## #----------#" << endl;
cout << "#.....#......##.....#......##.....#......# #----------#" << endl;
cout << "########################################## #----------#" << endl;
cout << "#.#..#....#..##.#..#....#..##.#..#....#..# #----------#" << endl;
cout << "########################################## ############" << endl;



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