[root@localhost swoft]# swoftcli gen:controller -h
[ERROR] Command 'controller' is not exist in group: gen
Generate some common application template classes Group: gen (alias: generate)
swoftcli gen:COMMAND [--opt ...] [arg ...] Global Options:
--debug Setting the application runtime debug level(0 - 4)
--no-color Disable color/ANSI for message output
-h, --help Display help message for application or command
-V, --version Display application version information Commands:
cli-command Generate CLI command controller class(alias: cmd, command)
crontab Generate user cronTab task class(alias: task-crontab, taskCrontab)
http-controller Generate HTTP controller class(alias: ctrl, http-ctrl)
http-middleware Generate HTTP middleware class(alias: http-mdl, httpmdl, http-middle)
listener Generate an event listener class(alias: event-listener)
process Generate user custom process class(alias: proc)
rpc-controller Generate RPC service class(alias: rpcctrl, service, rpc-ctrl)
rpc-middleware Generate RPC middleware class(alias: rpcmdl, rpc-mdl, rpc-middle)
task Generate user task class
tcp-controller Generate TCP controller class(alias: tcpc, tcpctrl, tcp-ctrl)
tcp-middleware Generate TCP middleware class(alias: tcpmdl, tcp-mdl, tcp-middle)
ws-controller Generate WebSocket message controller class(alias: wsc, wsctrl, ws-ctrl)
ws-middleware Generate WebSocket middleware class(alias: wsmdl, ws-mdl, ws-middle)
ws-module Generate WebSocket module class(alias: wsm, wsmod, ws-mod, wsModule) View the specified command, please use: swoftcli gen:COMMAND -h
[root@localhost swoft]# swoftcli gen:http-controller -h
Generate HTTP controller class Usage:
/usr/local/bin/swoftcli gen:http-controller [arguments ...] [options ...] Global Options:
--debug Setting the application runtime debug level(0 - 4)
--no-color Disable color/ANSI for message output
-h, --help Display help message for application or command
-V, --version Display application version information Arguments:
name VALUE The class name, don't need suffix and ext. eg: demo
dir VALUE The class file save dir (defaults: @app/Http/Controller) Options:
-n, --namespace VALUE The class namespace (defaults: App\Http\Controller)
--prefix STRING The route prefix for the controller, default is class name
--preview Want preview the will generated file code
--rest STRING The class will contains CURD actions (defaults: True)
--suffix STRING The class name suffix (defaults: Controller)
--tpl-dir STRING The template files directory
--tpl-file STRING The template file filename or full path (defaults: http-rest-controller.stub)
-y, --yes No need to confirm when performing file writing (defaults: False) Example:
/usr/local/bin/swoftcli gen:http-controller demo --prefix /demo -y Gen DemoController class to http controller dir
/usr/local/bin/swoftcli gen:http-controller user --prefix /users --rest Gen UserController class to http controller dir(RESTFul)
[root@localhost swoft]# swoftcli gen:http-controller member



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