问题说明:工程引用了外部类库, 默认生成的archive是 Generic Xcode Archive 格式的 无法发布和生成ipa文件、


1、将Build Settings->Deployment->Skip Install 设置为 YES,但项目的Skip Install却要保持为NO。

2、将Build Phases->Copy Headers中的所有头文件拉到Project下,即Public和Private下不能有文件。

3、清空Build Settings->Deployment->Installation Directory选项的内容。



1. 说明:

Skip Install : Boolean value. Specifies whether to place the product at the location indicated by DSTROOT or the uninstalled products directory inside the directory indicated by TARGET_TEMP_DIR


  • YES: When $DEPLOYMENT_LOCATION = YES, the product is placed in $TARGET_TEMP_DIR/UninstalledProducts.

  • NO: The product is placed in $DSTROOT.

TARGET_TEMP_DIR:Directory path. Identifies the directory containing the target’s intermediate build files.Run Script build phases should place intermediate files at the location indicated by DERIVED_FILE_DIR, not the directory identified by this build setting.

DSTROOT : the distribution root

SRCROOT:the source root

SYMROOT:the build root



3.推测:跳过的target 安装目录清空


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