

在SharePoint Central Administration->Monitoring->Job Definitions中我们可以看到所有的timer jobs,其中和Content Type相关的timer jobs有:

  1.Content Type Hub

  2.Content Type Sucscriber(job definition的数量等于于web application的数量)


由于在web application数量较多的时候,我们在publish一个content type后要将以上所有的job都跑一遍,在UI界面上操作是非常麻烦的!而且容易重复跑或没跑到。所以需要一段脚本来自动执行所有的和content type相关的jobs,脚本内容如下:

#Start the SharePoint content type relative jobs.
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
$ContentTypeHubJob = Get-SPTimerJob|where{$_.name -like '*MetadataHubTimerJob*'}
$ContentTypeSubscriberJobs = Get-SPTimerJob|where{$_.name -like '*MetadataSubscriberTimerJob*'}
Start-SPTimerJob $ContentTypeHubJob
foreach($job in $ContentTypeSubscriberJobs)
Start-SPTimerJob $job
$tip = "'Content Type Hub' job's LastRunTime is: " + $ContentTypeHubJob.LastRunTime
Write-Host $tip -ForegroundColor Green
for($i=0;$i -lt $ContentTypeSubscriberJobs.count;$i++)
$tip = "'Content Type Subscriber' job" + ($i+1) + "'s LastRunTime is: " + $ContentTypeSubscriberJobs[$i].LastRunTime
Write-Host $tip -ForegroundColor Green

将以上内容保存到ps1类型文件中,右键点击“Run with PowerShell”执行:



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