# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- '''
Created on 2014-8-12
@author: guaguastd
''' # impot login
from login import facebook_login # import helper
from helper import pp # calculating the most popular likes among your friends
from prettytable import PrettyTable
from collections import Counter # access to facebook
facebook_api = facebook_login() # get friends like through single request
#friends_like = facebook_api.get_object('me', fields='id,name,friends.fields(id,name,likes)')
#pp(friends_like) # get friends like through multi request
friends = facebook_api.get_connections("me", "friends")['data']
likes = { friend['name'] : facebook_api.get_connections(friend['id'], "likes")['data']
for friend in friends[:10]}
print 'likes:'
pp(likes) friends_likes = Counter([like['name']
for friend in likes
for like in likes[friend]
if like.get('name')]) pt = PrettyTable(field_names = ['Name', 'Freq'])
pt.align['Name'], pt.align['Freq'] = 'l', 'r'
[ pt.add_row(fl) for fl in friends_likes.most_common(10) ]
print '\rTop 10 likes amongst friends'
print pt


Top 10 likes amongst friends
| Name | Freq |
| BOCA | 2 |
| Justin Bieber | 2 |
| Casi Justicia Social | 2 |
| Boca Juniors | 2 |
| Retrica | 2 |
| Mil maneras de decirle sutilmente a alguien que no te gusta | 1 |
| chicas lesbianas en busca de su media naranja | 1 |
| willian levy | 1 |
| La gente anda diciendo | 1 |
| El Diario De Una Chica Rara | 1 |


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