1、insert into ... values

insert into tables (col1,col2) values (1,2),(2,3);

2、insert into ... select

insert into tables (col1,col2) select col3,col4 from table2;

3.insert into ... set

insert into tables set col1=xx,col2=xx;

4.replace into  ...

replace into  tables set col1=xx,col2=xx;  //先删除后插入,如果有自增id,慎用!(唯一索引下才可以用)

5. insert into ... on duplicate key

insert into tables set col1=xx,col2=xx on duplicate key update col1=xxx,col2=xxx;  //如果存在则更新,否则就是插入 (唯一索引下才可以用)


select col1,col2 from tables where FIND_IN_SET(col1,'2,3,4')<1;  //col1的值在'2、3、4'里面则返回所在索引(从1开始)

7. group_concat

select group_concat(col1,',',col2) as colx from tables where id={$id} group by id;   //将col1,col2的值作为一个字段返回,按逗号分隔。


update tables set status=if(status='release','modifie',status) where id={$id};

9.create database if not exists database1;

10.create table if not exists table1 like table2;


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