// seqstack.h

#ifndef _MY_SEQSTACK_H_
#define _MY_SEQSTACK_H_ typedef void SeqStack; SeqStack* SeqStack_Create(int capacity); void SeqStack_Destroy(SeqStack* stack); void SeqStack_Clear(SeqStack* stack); int SeqStack_Push(SeqStack* stack, void* item); void* SeqStack_Pop(SeqStack* stack); void* SeqStack_Top(SeqStack* stack); int SeqStack_Size(SeqStack* stack); int SeqStack_Capacity(SeqStack* stack); #endif //_MY_SEQSTACK_H_
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "seqstack.h"
#include "seqlist.h" //顺序存储 链表 //创建栈 相当于 创建一个线性表
SeqStack* SeqStack_Create(int capacity)
return SeqList_Create(capacity);
} //销毁栈 相当于销毁链表
void SeqStack_Destroy(SeqStack* stack)
} //清空栈 相当于 清空线性表
void SeqStack_Clear(SeqStack* stack)
} //栈插入元素 相当于 在线性表(数组)的尾部添加元素
int SeqStack_Push(SeqStack* stack, void* item)
return SeqList_Insert(stack, item, SeqList_Length(stack)); //相当 尾插法
} //栈 弹出元素 相当于 从线性表的尾部 删除元素
void* SeqStack_Pop(SeqStack* stack)
return SeqList_Delete(stack, SeqList_Length(stack)- );
} //栈 获取栈顶元素 相当于 求链表的尾部元素
//获取栈顶元素 相当于 从链表的尾部拿元素; 尾部元素的下标=长度-1
void* SeqStack_Top(SeqStack* stack)
return SeqList_Get(stack, SeqList_Length(stack) - );
} //求栈的大小 相当于 链表的长度
int SeqStack_Size(SeqStack* stack)
return SeqList_Length(stack);
} //求栈的容量 相当于 求链表的容量
int SeqStack_Capacity(SeqStack* stack)
return SeqList_Capacity(stack);
#ifndef  __MY_SEQLIST_H__
#define __MY_SEQLIST_H__ typedef void SeqList;
typedef void SeqListNode; //链表 创建
SeqList* SeqList_Create(int capacity); //链表 销毁
void SeqList_Destroy(SeqList* list); ////链表 清空
void SeqList_Clear(SeqList* list); //链表 长度
int SeqList_Length(SeqList* list); //链表 容量
int SeqList_Capacity(SeqList* list); //链表 在某一个位置 插入元素
int SeqList_Insert(SeqList* list, SeqListNode* node, int pos); //获取某一个位置的链表结点
SeqListNode* SeqList_Get(SeqList* list, int pos); //删除某一个位置的结点
SeqListNode* SeqList_Delete(SeqList* list, int pos); #endif //__MY_SEQLIST_H__
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "seqlist.h" //用数组来模拟线性表
typedef struct _tag_SeqList
int capacity;
int length;
//int *node[100];
int **node; //int node[capacity] //
//int *node[capacity];
//int *node; // int node[i]===> *(node+i)
}TSeqList; //链表 创建
SeqList* SeqList_Create(int capacity) //O(1)
int ret;
TSeqList *tmp = NULL;
tmp = (TSeqList *)malloc(sizeof(TSeqList));
if (tmp == NULL)
ret =;
printf("func SeqList_Create() err :%d \n", ret);
return NULL;
memset(tmp, , sizeof(TSeqList));
tmp->capacity = capacity;
tmp->length = ;
tmp->node = (int **)malloc(sizeof(void *) * capacity);
if (tmp->node == NULL)
ret = ;
printf("func SeqList_Create() malloc err :%d \n", ret);
return NULL;
memset(tmp->node, , sizeof(void *) * capacity); return tmp;
} //链表 创建
int SeqList_Create2(int capacity, SeqList**handle)
int ret = ;
TSeqList *tmp = NULL;
tmp = (TSeqList *)malloc(sizeof(TSeqList));
if (tmp == NULL)
ret =;
printf("func SeqList_Create2() err :%d \n", ret);
return ret;
memset(tmp, , sizeof(TSeqList));
tmp->capacity = capacity;
tmp->length = ;
tmp->node = (int **)malloc(sizeof(void *) * capacity);
if (tmp->node == NULL)
ret = ;
printf("func SeqList_Create2() malloc err :%d \n", ret);
return ret;
} *handle = tmp;
return ret;
} //链表 销毁
void SeqList_Destroy(SeqList* list) //O(1)
TSeqList *tmp = NULL;
if (list == NULL)
return ;
} tmp = (TSeqList *)list; if (tmp->node != NULL)
return ;
} ////链表 清空
void SeqList_Clear(SeqList* list) //O(1)
TSeqList *tmp = NULL;
if (list == NULL)
return ;
} tmp = (TSeqList *)list;
tmp->length = ;
memset(tmp->node, , (tmp->capacity * sizeof(void *)) ); return ;
} //链表 长度
int SeqList_Length(SeqList* list) //O(1)
TSeqList *tmp = NULL;
if (list == NULL)
return -;
tmp = (TSeqList *)list; return tmp->length;
} //链表 容量
int SeqList_Capacity(SeqList* list) //O(1)
TSeqList *tmp = NULL;
if (list == NULL)
return -;
tmp = (TSeqList *)list;
return tmp->capacity;
} //链表 在某一个位置 插入元素
int SeqList_Insert(SeqList* list, SeqListNode* node, int pos) //O(n)
TSeqList *tList = NULL;
int i = ;
if (list == NULL || node==NULL)
return -;
tList = (TSeqList *)list;
if (tList->length >= tList->capacity)
return -;
} //pos位置的容错处理
if (pos > tList->length )
pos = tList->length;
} for (i=tList->length; i>pos; i--) //n
tList->node[i] = tList->node[i-];
} tList->node[i] = (int* )node; //ok
tList->length ++; return ;
} //获取某一个位置的链表结点
SeqListNode* SeqList_Get(SeqList* list, int pos) //O(1)
TSeqList *tList = NULL;
SeqListNode *tmp = NULL; tList = (TSeqList *)list; if (list == NULL || pos< || pos >=tList->length )
return NULL;
tmp = tList->node[pos]; return tmp;
} //删除某一个位置的结点
SeqListNode* SeqList_Delete(SeqList* list, int pos) ////O(n)
int i = ;
TSeqList *tList = NULL;
SeqListNode *tmp = NULL; tList = (TSeqList *)list;
if (list == NULL || pos < || pos >= tList->length)
return NULL;
tmp = tList->node[pos]; // pos = 3
for (i=pos+; i<tList->length; i++)
tList->node[i-] = tList->node[i]; }
tList->length --;
return tmp;
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h> #include "seqstack.h" void main()
int i = ;
SeqStack *stack = NULL; int a[];
for (i=; i<; i++)
a[i] = i+;
} stack = SeqStack_Create(); //入栈
for (i=; i<; i++)
SeqStack_Push(stack, &a[i]);
} //栈的属性
printf("len:%d \n", SeqStack_Size(stack));
printf("capacity:%d \n", SeqStack_Capacity(stack)); printf("top:%d \n", *((int *)SeqStack_Top(stack) ) ) ; //元素出栈 while (SeqStack_Size(stack) > )
printf("%d ", *( (int *)SeqStack_Pop(stack) ) );
} SeqStack_Destroy(stack); printf("hello...\n");
return ;


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