

// Driver is an interface that every plugin driver needs to implement.

type Driver interface {
  discoverapi.Discover   // NetworkAllocate invokes the driver method to allocate network
  // specific resources passing network id and network specific config.
  // It returns a key, value pair of network specific driver allocations
  // to the caller.   NetworkAllocate(nid string, options map[string]string, ipV4Data, ipV6Data []IPAMData) (map[string]string, error)   // NetworkFree invokes the driver method to free network specific resources
  // associated with a given network id.
  NetworkFree(nid string) error   // CreateNetwork invokes the driver method to create a network
  // passing the network id and network specific config. The
  // config mechanism will eventually be replaced with labels
  // which are yet to be introduced. The driver can return a
  // list of table names for which it is interested in receiving
  // notification when a CRUD operation is performed on any
  // entry in that table. This will be ignored for local scope drivers.   CreateNetwork(nid string, options map[string]interface{}, nInfo NetworkInfo, ipV4Data, ipV6Data []IPAMData) error   // DeleteNetwork invokes the driver method to delete network passing
  // the network id.
  DeleteNetwork(nid string) error   // CreateEndpoint invokes the driver method to create an endpoint
  // passing the network id, endpoint id endpoint information and driver
  // specific config. The endpoint information can be either consumed by
  // the driver or populated by the driver. The config mechanism will
  // eventually be replaced with labels which are yet to be introducd.
  CreateEndpoint(nid, eid string, ifInfo InterfaceInfo, options map[string]interface{}) error   // DeleteEndpoint invokes the driver method to delete an endpoint
  // passing the network id and endpoint id.
  DeleteEndpoint(nid, eid string) error   // EndpointOperInfo retrieves from the driver the operational data related to the specific endpoint
  EndpointOperInfo(nid, eid string) (map[string]interface{}, error)   // Join method is invoked when a Sandbox is attached to an endpoint.
  Join(nid, eid string, sboxKey string, jinfo JoinInfo, options map[string]interface{}) error   // Leave method is invoked when a Sandbox detaches from an endpoint.
  Leave(nid, eid string) error   // ProgramExternalConnectivity invokes the driver method which does the necessary
  // programming to allow the external connectivity dictated by the passed options.
  ProgramExternalConnectivity(nid, eid string, options map[string]interface{}) error   // RevokeExternalConnectivity asks the driver to remove any external connectivity
  // programming that was done so far
  RevokeExternalConnectivity(nid, eid string) error   // EventNotify notifies the driver when a CRUD operation has
  // happended on a table of its interest as soon as this node
  // receives such an event in the gossip layer. This method is
  // only invoked for the global scope driver.
  EventNotify(event EventType, nid string, tableName string, key string, value []byte)   // Type returns the type of this driver, the network type this driver manages.
  Type() string   // IsBuiltIn returns true if it is a built-in driver
  IsBuiltIn() bool }



// NetworkInfo provides a go interface for drivers to provide network
// specific information on libnetwork.
type NetworkInfo interface {
  // TableEventRegister registers driver interest in a given
  // table name.
  TableEventRegister(tableName string) error }



// InterfaceInfo provides a go interface for drivers to retrive
// network information to interface resources.
type InterfaceInfo interface {
  // SetMacAddress allows the driver to set the mac address to the endpoint interface
  // during the call to CreateEndpoint, if the mac address is not already set.
  SetMacAddress(mac net.HardwareAddr) error   // SetIPAddress allows the driver to set the ip address to the endpoint interface
  // during the call to CreateEndpoint, if the address is not already set.
  // The API is to be used to assign both the IPv4 and IPv6 address types.
  SetIPAddress(ip *net.IPNet) error   // MacAddress returns the MAC address.
  MacAddress() net.HardwareAddr   // Address returns the IPv4 address.
  Address() *net.IPNet   // AddressIPv6 returns the IPv4 address.
  AddressIPv6() *net.IPNet



// InterfaceNameInfo provides a go interface for the drivers to assign names
// to interfaces
type InterfaceNameInfo interface {
  // SetNames method assigns the srcName and dstPrefix for the interface.
  SetNames(srcName, dstPrefix string) error



// JoinInfo represents a set of resources that the driver has the ability to provide during
// join time.
type JoinInfo interface {
  // InterfaceName returns an InterfaceNameInfo go interface to facilitate
  // setting the names for the interface.
  InterfaceName() InterfaceNameInfo   // SetGateway sets the default IPv4 gateway when a container joins the endpoint.
  SetGateway(net.IP) error   // SetGatewayIPv6 sets the default IPv6 gateway when a container joins the endpoint
  SetGateway(net.IP) error   // AddStaticRoute adds a route to the sandbox.
  // It may be used in addition to or instead of a default gateway (as above)
  AddStaticRoute(destination *net.IPNet, routeType int, nextHop net.IP) error   // DisableGatewayService tells libnetwork not to provide Default GW for the container
  DisableGatewayService()   // AddTableEntry adds a table entry to the gossip layer
  // passing the table name, key and an opaque value.
  AddTableEntry(tableName string, key string, value []byte) error



// IPAMData represents the per-network ip related
// operational information libnetwork will send
// to the network driver during CreateNetwork()
type IPAMData struct {
  AddressSpace   string
  Pool        *net.IPNet
  Gateway     *net.IPNet
  AuxAddresses   map[string]*net.IPNet



// DriverCallback provides a Callback interface for Drivers into LibNetwork
type DriverCallback interface{
  // GetPluginGetter returns the pluginv2 getter.
  GetPluginGetter() plugingetter.PluginGetter
  // RegisterDriver provides a way for remote drivers to dynamically register new NetworkType and associate with a driver instance
  RegisterDriver(name string, driver Driver, capability Capability) error



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