
1. ngrepeat 时报错 Duplicates in a repeater are not allowed,


<span ng-repeat="answer in ['good answer','perfect answer', 'bad answer','not bad answer'] ">{{answer}} </span>


<span ng-repeat="answer in ['aa','bb','cc','cc','bb'] track by $index">{{answer}} </span>

便会报错 Duplicates in a repeater are not allowed,
    此时他会用英文提示你 use track by 表达式
    发生此错误的原因是 ngrepeat 的 数组或者对象数组或者对象 的每个迭代项中有重复值
    因为当使用ngrepeat不加track by表达式时,默认的为 item in items is equivalent to item in items track by $id(item)
    所以出现重复值时就会报错 页面repeat的那个dom元素不会在视图里显示出来


ng-repeat指令有一个特有的filter 名为filter的filter 用来对数据内容进行具体的过滤

同时当然也可以在使用angularjs框架的一些预先内置filter,如limitto (设置只显示一个)

ng-repeat="item in items | orderBy:'oreder_prop' | filter:query | limitTo:4"  (类似这样的语法使用)

ng-repeat="course in home.my_join_course | limitTo:1"


<div class="box">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<div ng-init="output = [{name:'a',addr:'东京',score:22},{name:'b',addr:'西京',score:10},{name:'c',addr:'南京'},{name:'d',addr:'北京',area:'china'}]" >

        <p ng-repeat="print in output | filter: 'china' ">{{print}}</p> <!-- 只显示属性值里有china的 -->
<p ng-repeat="print in output | filter: {name:'b'} ">{{print}}</p> <!-- 只显示name属性值里有b的 --> <p ng-repeat="print in output | filter: have_score_than_15 ">{{print}}</p>
<!-- 只显示score属性大于15的 即只显示name:a,addr:东京,score:22的那项 -->
</div> $scope.have_score_than_15 = function(item) {
return item.score > 15;

另外再简单介绍下排序 (这点直接引用: )如下

<div>{{ childrenArray | orderBy : 'age' }}</div>      //按age属性值进行排序,若是-age,则倒序
<div>{{ childrenArray | orderBy : orderFunc }}</div> //按照函数的返回值进行排序
<div>{{ childrenArray | orderBy : ['age','name'] }}</div> //如果age相同,按照name进行排序


<div ng-repeat=" depart in departments | child_department "> .... </div>

appFilters.filter('child_department',function () {
return function (departments) {
var departmentId = 3;
var array = [];
if(n.parent_id == departmentId){
return array;

3.活用 $index     $first     $middle     $last     $even     $odd

     <ul class="dropdown-menu pull-right dropdown-menu-right" >
<li app-pressdark ng-click="course_filter('','depart','全部科室')" class="dropdown-divider">全部科室</li>
<li app-pressdark ng-repeat="depart in departs | filter:{parent_id:null}" ng-click="course_filter(,'depart'," class="{{$last?'dropdown-nodivider':'dropdown-divider'}} ">

在 class="{{$last?'dropdown-nodivider':'dropdown-divider'}} " 上利用三元表达式对repeat的项进行个别的样式处理

$index number iterator offset of the repeated element (0..length-1)
$first boolean true if the repeated element is first in the iterator.
$middle boolean true if the repeated element is between the first and last in the iterator.
$last boolean true if the repeated element is last in the iterator.
$even boolean true if the iterator position $index is even (otherwise false).


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