I have XenServer 6.5 installed on a server, and i have been trying to install Solaris 10 on a VM, it just get into the boot screen of the installation ISO, i proceed with ENTER and then this message appear:

WARNING: Attempting to load Xen drivers on non-Xen system
WARNING: Couldn't initialize xpv framework

panic [cpu0]/thread=fffffffffbc28340: unable to configure /xpvd nexus

fffffffffbc6ac70 hvm_bootstrap:hvmboot_rootconf +66 ()
fffffffffbc6acb0 unix: stubs_common_code+51 ()
fffffffffbc6ace0 genunix:roofconf +24 ()
fffffffffbc6ad10 genunix:vfs_mountroot +61 ()
fffffffffbc6ad50 genunix:main+117 ()
fffffffffbc6ad60 unix:_start+9d ()

skipping system dump - no dump device configured





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