


// LayerMultiplexTest.h
// cpp4
// Created by 杜甲 on 10/13/14.
// #ifndef __cpp4__LayerMultiplexTest__
#define __cpp4__LayerMultiplexTest__ #include "cocos2d.h" USING_NS_CC; class LayerMultiplexTest : public Layer
public: virtual bool init(); // there's no 'id' in cpp, so we recommend returning the class instance pointer
static cocos2d::Scene* scene(); // implement the "static node()" method manually
CREATE_FUNC(LayerMultiplexTest); }; class TestMainLayer : public LayerColor
{ public:
virtual bool init();
CREATE_FUNC(TestMainLayer); private:
void menuCallback1(cocos2d::Ref *sender);
void menuCallback2(cocos2d::Ref *sender); }; class TestLayer1 : public LayerColor
{ public:
virtual bool init();
void menuCallback1(cocos2d::Ref *sender);
}; class TestLayer2 : public LayerColor
{ public:
virtual bool init();
void menuCallback1(cocos2d::Ref *sender);
}; #endif /* defined(__cpp4__LayerMultiplexTest__) */


// LayerMultiplexTest.cpp
// cpp4
// Created by 杜甲 on 10/13/14.
// #include "LayerMultiplexTest.h" Scene* LayerMultiplexTest::scene()
// 'scene' is an autorelease object
auto scene = Scene::create(); // 'layer' is an autorelease object
LayerMultiplexTest *layer = LayerMultiplexTest::create(); // add layer as a child to scene
scene->addChild(layer); // return the scene
return scene;
} bool LayerMultiplexTest::init()
bool bRet = false;
do {
CC_BREAK_IF(!Layer::init()); auto mainLayer = TestMainLayer::create();
auto layer1 = TestLayer1::create();
auto layer2 = TestLayer2::create();
auto layerMutiplex = LayerMultiplex::create(mainLayer,layer1,layer2,nullptr);
addChild(layerMutiplex,0); bRet = true;
} while (0);
return bRet;
} bool TestMainLayer::init()
bool bRet = false;
do {
auto winSize = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize(); auto label1 = Label::createWithBMFont("bitmapFontTest3.fnt", "TestLayer 1");
auto item1 = MenuItemLabel::create(label1, CC_CALLBACK_1(TestMainLayer::menuCallback1, this)); auto label2 = Label::createWithBMFont("bitmapFontTest3.fnt", "TestLayer 2");
auto item2 = MenuItemLabel::create(label2, CC_CALLBACK_1(TestMainLayer::menuCallback2, this)); auto menu = Menu::create(item1,item2, NULL);
menu->setPosition(winSize / 2);
addChild(menu); bRet = true;
} while (0);
return bRet;
} void TestMainLayer::menuCallback1(cocos2d::Ref *sender)
static_cast<LayerMultiplex *>(_parent)->switchTo(1); } void TestMainLayer::menuCallback2(cocos2d::Ref *sender)
static_cast<LayerMultiplex *>(_parent)->switchTo(2);
} bool TestLayer1::init()
bool bRet = false;
do {
CC_BREAK_IF(!LayerColor::initWithColor(Color4B(100, 200, 200, 100)));
auto winSize = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
auto label1 = Label::createWithBMFont("bitmapFontTest3.fnt", "MainLayer");
auto item1 = MenuItemLabel::create(label1, CC_CALLBACK_1(TestLayer1::menuCallback1, this));
auto menu = Menu::create(item1, NULL);
menu->setPosition(winSize / 2);
addChild(menu); bRet = true;
} while (0);
return bRet;
void TestLayer1::menuCallback1(cocos2d::Ref *sender)
//返回 方法
static_cast<LayerMultiplex *>(_parent)->switchTo(0); } bool TestLayer2::init()
bool bRet = false;
do {
CC_BREAK_IF(!LayerColor::initWithColor(Color4B(100, 100, 200, 100)));
auto winSize = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
auto label1 = Label::createWithBMFont("bitmapFontTest3.fnt", "MainLayer");
auto item1 = MenuItemLabel::create(label1, CC_CALLBACK_1(TestLayer2::menuCallback1, this)); auto menu = Menu::create(item1, NULL);
menu->setPosition(winSize / 2);
addChild(menu); bRet = true;
} while (0);
return bRet;
} void TestLayer2::menuCallback1(cocos2d::Ref *sender)
static_cast<LayerMultiplex *>(_parent)->switchTo(0); }



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