What clothes do you usually like to wear?
Well I like fashionable clothes, but I also want to be comfortable, so I usually choose casual clothes like T-shirts and jeans, especially dark-coloured ones. I think they're smarter and don't get dirty so easily.

Do you wear the same clothes both at work and after work?
For my job I have to wear formal clothing which looks very smart but is not that comfortable. When I get home, I just want to chill out and relax. So I always change into casual clothes like tracksuits or jeans.

Do you prefer informal or formal clothes?
Well that's easy to answer because I really dislike formal clothes which look smart. But for me, comfort is important. I would always choose informal, comfortable clothing because I feel much more relaxed.

Are you interested in fashion or clothes fashion?
Well I am not a slave to every new fashion, but I don't want to look old-fashioned either. In my opinion, classic clothing which never dates is the best choice.

Does colour affect your mood?
In my view colour can affect your mood to some extent. Bright colours may make you feel energetic. In fact, wearing a bright-coloured scarf in winter can cheer you up! Pale colours or neutral colours on the other hand, may have a relaxing effect.

What's your favourite snack?
For me, personally, I would say I am very fond of bananas. They are a healthy and cheap snack, full of vitamins and energy. Sportsmen often carry them around as a convenient snack to help raise their energy levels.

Do you like eating fruit or vegetables?
I do enjoy both of them. There is a wide variety of fruit and vegetables in such a big country as China. You can always find something you like and you'll never get bored!

Are there any special fruits in your hometown?
China produces many fruits. And my hometown is known for its apples which are crisp and juicy. You will see them in every supermarket and they're a really delicious and healthy snack

What kind of films do you like?
I like science fiction movies and action movies best. I think science fiction shows us a vision of the future which is often frightening but really fascinating. Action movies are exciting and fun to watch.

What is your favourite type of music?
I actually enjoy quite different types of music. For example, pop music is great to dance to. But when I want to get down to writing an essay, I like to have classical music on in the background. Classical music is calming and can help you concentrate.

Which one do you like better, taking photos of people or taking photos of scenery?
Well thinking about it, I like both, but I probably enjoy taking people better. For example, my uncle has a baby son who is really funny sometimes, so I love to capture those humorous moments!

What's your favourite kind of book?
Well, personally I love science fiction. It's fascinating considering what the future may bring. I like imaginative stories which make me think a lot. Such stories are very creative and help open our minds to all sorts of possibilities.

Do you like sports?
Definitely, I do enjoy badminton. I think it's such a convenient game to play with friends. I mean you can take the equipment out with you to a park and have some fun as well as keeping fit.

What's your favourite kind of book?
Well, personally I love science fiction. It's fascinating considering what the future may bring. I like imaginative stories which make me think a lot. Such stories are very creative and help open our minds to all sorts of possibilities.


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