
For a given source string and a target string, you should output the first index(from 0) of target string in source string.

If target does not exist in source, just return -1.


Do I need to implement KMP Algorithm in a real interview?

  • Not necessary. When you meet this problem in a real interview, the interviewer may just want to test your basic implementation ability. But make sure your confirm with the interviewer first.

If source = "source" and target = "target", return -1.

If source = "abcdabcdefg" and target = "bcd", return 1.


Solution 1 ()

class Solution {
int strStr(const char *source, const char *target) {
if (source == NULL || target == NULL) {
return -;
int len1 = strlen(source);
int len2 = strlen(target);
for (int i = , j = ; i < len1 - len2 + ; i++) {
for (j = ; j < len2; j++) {
if (source[i + j] != target[j]) {
if (j == len2) {
return i;
return -;


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