
* Compilation: javac ResizingArrayStackWithReflection.java
* Execution: java ResizingArrayStackWithReflection < input.txt
* Dependencies: StdIn.java StdOut.java
* Data files: http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/13stacks/tobe.txt
* Stack implementation with a resizing array.
* % more tobe.txt
* to be or not to - be - - that - - - is
* % java ResizingArrayStackWithReflection < tobe.txt
* to be not that or be (2 left on stack)
* Written by Bruno Lehouque.
******************************************************************************/ import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException; /**
* A LIFO Stack using a resizeable array.
public class ResizingArrayStackWithReflection<Item> implements Iterable<Item> { private Class<Item[]> itemArrayClass;
private Item[] array;
private int N = 0; public ResizingArrayStackWithReflection(Class<Item[]> itemArrayClass) {
this.itemArrayClass = itemArrayClass;
array = itemArrayClass.cast(Array.newInstance(itemArrayClass.getComponentType(), 1));
} /**
* Adds a non-{@code null} element on top of the Stack.
* @param item
* the element which is to be added to the Stack
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code item} is {@code null}.
public void push(Item item) {
if (item == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot add null item.");
if (N == array.length)
resize(array.length * 2);
array[N++] = item;
} /**
* Removes and returns the top element of the Stack.
* @return the top element of the Stack
* @throws NoSuchElementException if the Stack is empty
public Item pop() {
if (isEmpty())
throw new NoSuchElementException();
Item item = array[--N];
array[N] = null;
if ((N > 0) && (N <= array.length / 4))
resize(array.length / 2);
return item;
} /**
* Returns, but doesn't remove, the top element of the Stack.
* @return the top element of the Stack
* @throws NoSuchElementException if the Stack is empty
public Item peek() {
if (isEmpty())
throw new NoSuchElementException();
return array[N - 1];
} /**
* Returns {@code true} if the Stack is empty.
* @return {@code true} if the Stack is empty
public boolean isEmpty() {
return N == 0;
} /**
* Returns the size of the Stack.
* @return the size of the Stack
public int size() {
return N;
} /**
* Returns an iterator which iterates over the Stack from the top element
* to the bottom element.
* @return an iterator which iterates over the Stack from the top element
* to the bottom element
public Iterator<Item> iterator() {
return new ReverseArrayIterator();
} private void resize(int size) {
Item[] newarray = itemArrayClass.cast(Array.newInstance(itemArrayClass.getComponentType(), size));
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
newarray[i] = array[i];
array = newarray;
} private class ReverseArrayIterator implements Iterator<Item> { private int i = N-1; @Override
public boolean hasNext() {
return i >= 0;
} @Override
public Item next() {
if (!hasNext())
throw new NoSuchElementException();
return array[i--];
} @Override
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported.");
} } /**
* Test client (copied from ResizingArrayStack).
public static void main(String[] args) {
ResizingArrayStackWithReflection<String> s = new ResizingArrayStackWithReflection<String>(String[].class);
while (!StdIn.isEmpty()) {
String item = StdIn.readString();
if (!item.equals("-")) s.push(item);
else if (!s.isEmpty()) StdOut.print(s.pop() + " ");
StdOut.println("(" + s.size() + " left on stack)");


* Compilation: javac ResizingArrayStack.java
* Execution: java ResizingArrayStack < input.txt
* Dependencies: StdIn.java StdOut.java
* Data files: http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/13stacks/tobe.txt
* Stack implementation with a resizing array.
* % more tobe.txt
* to be or not to - be - - that - - - is
* % java ResizingArrayStack < tobe.txt
* to be not that or be (2 left on stack)
******************************************************************************/ import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException; /**
* The <tt>ResizingArrayStack</tt> class represents a last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack
* of generic items.
* It supports the usual <em>push</em> and <em>pop</em> operations, along with methods
* for peeking at the top item, testing if the stack is empty, and iterating through
* the items in LIFO order.
* <p>
* This implementation uses a resizing array, which double the underlying array
* when it is full and halves the underlying array when it is one-quarter full.
* The <em>push</em> and <em>pop</em> operations take constant amortized time.
* The <em>size</em>, <em>peek</em>, and <em>is-empty</em> operations takes
* constant time in the worst case.
* <p>
* For additional documentation,
* see <a href="http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/13stacks">Section 1.3</a> of
* <i>Algorithms, 4th Edition</i> by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.
* @author Robert Sedgewick
* @author Kevin Wayne
public class ResizingArrayStack<Item> implements Iterable<Item> {
private Item[] a; // array of items
private int N; // number of elements on stack /**
* Initializes an empty stack.
public ResizingArrayStack() {
a = (Item[]) new Object[2];
N = 0;
} /**
* Is this stack empty?
* @return true if this stack is empty; false otherwise
public boolean isEmpty() {
return N == 0;
} /**
* Returns the number of items in the stack.
* @return the number of items in the stack
public int size() {
return N;
} // resize the underlying array holding the elements
private void resize(int capacity) {
assert capacity >= N;
Item[] temp = (Item[]) new Object[capacity];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
temp[i] = a[i];
a = temp;
} /**
* Adds the item to this stack.
* @param item the item to add
public void push(Item item) {
if (N == a.length) resize(2*a.length); // double size of array if necessary
a[N++] = item; // add item
} /**
* Removes and returns the item most recently added to this stack.
* @return the item most recently added
* @throws java.util.NoSuchElementException if this stack is empty
public Item pop() {
if (isEmpty()) throw new NoSuchElementException("Stack underflow");
Item item = a[N-1];
a[N-1] = null; // to avoid loitering
// shrink size of array if necessary
if (N > 0 && N == a.length/4) resize(a.length/2);
return item;
} /**
* Returns (but does not remove) the item most recently added to this stack.
* @return the item most recently added to this stack
* @throws java.util.NoSuchElementException if this stack is empty
public Item peek() {
if (isEmpty()) throw new NoSuchElementException("Stack underflow");
return a[N-1];
} /**
* Returns an iterator to this stack that iterates through the items in LIFO order.
* @return an iterator to this stack that iterates through the items in LIFO order.
public Iterator<Item> iterator() {
return new ReverseArrayIterator();
} // an iterator, doesn't implement remove() since it's optional
private class ReverseArrayIterator implements Iterator<Item> {
private int i; public ReverseArrayIterator() {
i = N-1;
} public boolean hasNext() {
return i >= 0;
} public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
} public Item next() {
if (!hasNext()) throw new NoSuchElementException();
return a[i--];
} /**
* Unit tests the <tt>Stack</tt> data type.
public static void main(String[] args) {
ResizingArrayStack<String> s = new ResizingArrayStack<String>();
while (!StdIn.isEmpty()) {
String item = StdIn.readString();
if (!item.equals("-")) s.push(item);
else if (!s.isEmpty()) StdOut.print(s.pop() + " ");
StdOut.println("(" + s.size() + " left on stack)");


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