
* reference:http://www.php.net/manual/en/reflectionmethod.getclosure.php
* Learn this and you will know How to peer through what a horse is thinking!
* Class Client
class People
private $heartWords = "How beautiful the horse is!I want to ride it!"; public function hook()
$who = get_class($this);
echo ucfirst($who). " says :".$this->heartWords. "\n";
} public function peer()
return function(){
} class Horse
private $heartWords = "How silly the guy is! A big ass!";
} $people = new People();
$horse = new Horse(); try{
$reflection = new ReflectionClass(get_class($people));
catch(ReflectionException $e)
echo $e->getMessage() ."\n";
} $closure = $reflection->getMethod('hook')->getClosure($people);
$truth = $closure->bindTo($horse,$horse); $truth(); // Horse says :How silly the guy is! A big ass!


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