




Feature extraction is very different from Feature


the former consists in transforming arbitrary data, such as text or images, into numerical
features usable for machine learning. The latter is a machine learning technique applied on these features(从已经提取的特征中选择更好的特征).

以下分为四大部分来讲。主要还是4、text feature extraction

2、loading features form dicts

class DictVectorizer。举个样例就好:

>>> measurements = [
... {'city': 'Dubai', 'temperature': 33.},
... {'city': 'London', 'temperature': 12.},
... {'city': 'San Fransisco', 'temperature': 18.},
... ]
>>> from sklearn.feature_extraction import DictVectorizer
>>> vec = DictVectorizer()
>>> vec.fit_transform(measurements).toarray()
array([[ 1., 0., 0., 33.],
[ 0., 1., 0., 12.],
[ 0., 0., 1., 18.]])
>>> vec.get_feature_names()
['city=Dubai', 'city=London', 'city=San Fransisco', 'temperature']

class DictVectorizer对于提取某个特定词汇附近的feature
,比如增加我们通过一个已有的algorithm提取了word ‘sat’ 在句子‘The cat sat on the mat.’中的PoS(Part
of Speech)特征。例如以下:

>>> pos_window = [
... {
... 'word-2': 'the',
... 'pos-2': 'DT',
... 'word-1': 'cat',
... 'pos-1': 'NN',
... 'word+1': 'on',
... 'pos+1': 'PP',
... },
... # in a real application one would extract many such dictionaries
... ]

上面的PoS特征就能够vectorized into a sparse two-dimensional matrix suitable for feeding into a classifier (maybe after being piped into a text.TfidfTransformer for


>>> vec = DictVectorizer()
>>> pos_vectorized = vec.fit_transform(pos_window)
>>> pos_vectorized
<1x6 sparse matrix of type '<... 'numpy.float64'>'
with 6 stored elements in Compressed Sparse ... format>
>>> pos_vectorized.toarray()
array([[ 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]])
>>> vec.get_feature_names()
['pos+1=PP', 'pos-1=NN', 'pos-2=DT', 'word+1=on', 'word-1=cat', 'word-2=the']

3、feature hashing

The class FeatureHasher is
a high-speed, low-memory vectorizer that uses a technique known as feature
, or the “hashing trick”.

因为hash。所以仅仅保存feature的interger index。而不保存原来feature的string名字。所以没有inverse_transform方法。

FeatureHasher 接收dict对,即 (feature, value) 对,或者strings,由构造函数的參数input_type决定.结果是scipy.sparse matrix。假设是strings,则value默认取1,比如 ['feat1', 'feat2', 'feat2'] 被解释为[('feat1', 1), ('feat2', 2)].

4、text feature extraction


5、image feature extraction

提取部分图片(Patch extraction):

The extract_patches_2d function从图片中提取小块,存储成two-dimensional
array, or three-dimensional with color information along the third axis. 使用reconstruct_from_patches_2d.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from sklearn.feature_extraction import image >>> one_image = np.arange(4 * 4 * 3).reshape((4, 4, 3))
>>> one_image[:, :, 0] # R channel of a fake RGB picture
array([[ 0, 3, 6, 9],
[12, 15, 18, 21],
[24, 27, 30, 33],
[36, 39, 42, 45]]) >>> patches = image.extract_patches_2d(one_image, (2, 2), max_patches=2,
... random_state=0)
>>> patches.shape
(2, 2, 2, 3)
>>> patches[:, :, :, 0]
array([[[ 0, 3],
[12, 15]], [[15, 18],
[27, 30]]])
>>> patches = image.extract_patches_2d(one_image, (2, 2))
>>> patches.shape
(9, 2, 2, 3)
>>> patches[4, :, :, 0]
array([[15, 18],
[27, 30]])


>>> reconstructed = image.reconstruct_from_patches_2d(patches, (4, 4, 3))
>>> np.testing.assert_array_equal(one_image, reconstructed)

The PatchExtractor class和 extract_patches_2d,一样,仅仅只是能够同一时候接受多个图片作为输入:

>>> five_images = np.arange(5 * 4 * 4 * 3).reshape(5, 4, 4, 3)
>>> patches = image.PatchExtractor((2, 2)).transform(five_images)
>>> patches.shape
(45, 2, 2, 3)

图片像素的连接(Connectivity graph of an image):



The function img_to_graph returns
such a matrix from a 2D or 3D image. Similarly, grid_to_graph build
a connectivity matrix for images given the shape of these image.






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