# 题目大意

GSS3 - Can you answer these queries III


  • 单点修改
  • 求一个区间的最大子段和

# 解题思路


  • 左儿子的最大子段和
  • 右儿子的最大子段和
  • 左儿子的最大右子段和+右儿子的最大左子段和


  • sum,区间和
  • gss,最大子段和
  • gssl,最大左子段和
  • gssr,最大右子段和


# 代码

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;
inline int read() {
int x = , f = ; char c = getchar();
while (c < '' || c > '') {if(c == '-') f = -; c = getchar();}
while (c <= '' && c >= '') {x = x* + c-''; c = getchar();}
return x * f;
const int maxn = 5e4+, inf = ;
int n, m, opt, l, r;
struct node {
int l, r, gss, gssr, gssl, sum;
}tree[maxn << ];
struct TREE {
#define Lson (k << 1)
#define Rson ((k << 1) + 1)
inline int MAX(int a, int b, int c) {
return max(max(a, b), c);
inline void build(int k, int ll, int rr) {
tree[k].l = ll, tree[k].r = rr;
if(tree[k].l == tree[k].r) {
tree[k].sum = read();
tree[k].gss = tree[k].gssr = tree[k].gssl = tree[k].sum;
return ;
int mid = (tree[k].l + tree[k].r) >> ;
build (Lson, tree[k].l, mid);
build (Rson, mid+, tree[k].r);
tree[k].sum = tree[Lson].sum + tree[Rson].sum;
tree[k].gss = MAX(tree[Lson].gss, tree[Rson].gss, tree[Lson].gssr+tree[Rson].gssl);
tree[k].gssr = max(tree[Rson].gssr, tree[Rson].sum+tree[Lson].gssr);
tree[k].gssl = max(tree[Lson].gssl, tree[Lson].sum+tree[Rson].gssl);
inline void update(int k, int pos, int num) {
if(tree[k].l == tree[k].r && tree[k].l == pos) {
tree[k].sum = num;
tree[k].gss = tree[k].gssr = tree[k].gssl = tree[k].sum;
return ;
int mid = (tree[k].l + tree[k].r) >> ;
if(pos <= mid) update(Lson, pos, num);
else update(Rson, pos, num);
tree[k].sum = tree[Lson].sum + tree[Rson].sum;
tree[k].gss = MAX(tree[Lson].gss, tree[Rson].gss, tree[Lson].gssr+tree[Rson].gssl);
tree[k].gssr = max(tree[Rson].gssr, tree[Rson].sum+tree[Lson].gssr);
tree[k].gssl = max(tree[Lson].gssl, tree[Lson].sum+tree[Rson].gssl);
inline node query(int k, int L, int R) {
if(tree[k].l == L && tree[k].r == R) return tree[k];
int mid = (tree[k].l + tree[k].r) >> ;
if(L > mid) return query(Rson, L, R);
else if(R <= mid) return query(Lson, L, R);
else {
node lson, rson, res;
lson = query(Lson, L, mid);
rson = query(Rson, mid+, R);
res.sum = lson.sum + rson.sum;
res.gss = MAX(lson.gss, rson.gss, lson.gssr+rson.gssl);
res.gssl = max(lson.gssl, lson.sum+rson.gssl);
res.gssr = max(rson.gssr, rson.sum+lson.gssr);
return res;
int main() {
n = read(), T.build(, , n);
m = read();
for(int i=; i<=m; i++) {
opt = read(), l = read(), r = read();
if(opt == ) printf("%d\n", T.query(, l, r).gss);
else T.update(, l, r);


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