

下载sdk,导入libs文件夹下,右键add as library。




将AndroidManifest.xml文件中的所有activity,receiver,service,meta-data拷 贝至自己的AndroidManifest.xml文件中。


实现com. huawei.pushtest.receiver.MyReceiver,参看官方demo。

public class MyReceiver extends PushEventReceiver {

* 显示Push消息
public void showPushMessage(int type, String msg) {
HuaWeiTestActivity mPustTestActivity = AppApplication.instance().getMainActivity();
if (mPustTestActivity != null) {
Handler handler = mPustTestActivity.getHandler();
if (handler != null) {
Message message = handler.obtainMessage();
message.what = type;
message.obj = msg;
handler.sendMessageDelayed(message, 1L);
} @Override
public void onToken(Context context, String token, Bundle extras){
String belongId = extras.getString("belongId");
String content = "获取token和belongId成功,token = " + token + ",belongId = " + belongId;
Log.d(HuaWeiTestActivity.TAG, content);
showPushMessage(HuaWeiTestActivity.RECEIVE_TOKEN_MSG, content);
} @Override
public boolean onPushMsg(Context context, byte[] msg, Bundle bundle) {
try {
String content = "收到一条Push消息: " + new String(msg, "UTF-8");
Log.d(HuaWeiTestActivity.TAG, content);
showPushMessage(HuaWeiTestActivity.RECEIVE_PUSH_MSG, content);
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
} public void onEvent(Context context, Event event, Bundle extras) {
if (Event.NOTIFICATION_OPENED.equals(event) || Event.NOTIFICATION_CLICK_BTN.equals(event)) {
int notifyId = extras.getInt(BOUND_KEY.pushNotifyId, 0);
if (0 != notifyId) {
NotificationManager manager = (NotificationManager) context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
String content = "收到通知附加消息: " + extras.getString(BOUND_KEY.pushMsgKey);
Log.d(HuaWeiTestActivity.TAG, content);
showPushMessage(HuaWeiTestActivity.RECEIVE_NOTIFY_CLICK_MSG, content);
} else if (Event.PLUGINRSP.equals(event)) {
final int TYPE_LBS = 1;
final int TYPE_TAG = 2;
int reportType = extras.getInt(BOUND_KEY.PLUGINREPORTTYPE, -1);
boolean isSuccess = extras.getBoolean(BOUND_KEY.PLUGINREPORTRESULT, false);
String message = "";
if (TYPE_LBS == reportType) {
message = "LBS report result :";
} else if(TYPE_TAG == reportType) {
message = "TAG report result :";
Log.d(HuaWeiTestActivity.TAG, message + isSuccess);
showPushMessage(HuaWeiTestActivity.RECEIVE_TAG_LBS_MSG, message + isSuccess);
super.onEvent(context, event, extras);



在MyActivity的OnCreate()方法中添加 PushManager.requestToken(MyActivity.this);

第六步 测试



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