



 public abstract void create(Create create) throws EngineException;

    public abstract void index(Index index) throws EngineException;

    public abstract void delete(Delete delete) throws EngineException;

    public abstract void delete(DeleteByQuery delete) throws EngineException;


 public static abstract class IndexingOperation implements Operation {

        private final DocumentMapper docMapper;
private final Term uid;
private final ParsedDocument doc;
private long version;
private final VersionType versionType;
private final Origin origin;
private final boolean canHaveDuplicates; private final long startTime;
private long endTime;


    private void innerIndex(Index index) throws IOException {
synchronized (dirtyLock(index.uid())) {
final long currentVersion;
VersionValue versionValue = versionMap.getUnderLock(index.uid().bytes());
if (versionValue == null) {
currentVersion = loadCurrentVersionFromIndex(index.uid());
} else {
if (engineConfig.isEnableGcDeletes() && versionValue.delete() && (engineConfig.getThreadPool().estimatedTimeInMillis() - versionValue.time()) > engineConfig.getGcDeletesInMillis()) {
currentVersion = Versions.NOT_FOUND; // deleted, and GC
} else {
currentVersion = versionValue.version();
} long updatedVersion;
long expectedVersion = index.version();
if (index.versionType().isVersionConflictForWrites(currentVersion, expectedVersion)) {
if (index.origin() == Operation.Origin.RECOVERY) {
} else {
throw new VersionConflictEngineException(shardId, index.type(), index.id(), currentVersion, expectedVersion);
updatedVersion = index.versionType().updateVersion(currentVersion, expectedVersion); index.updateVersion(updatedVersion);
if (currentVersion == Versions.NOT_FOUND) {
// document does not exists, we can optimize for create
if (index.docs().size() > 1) {
indexWriter.addDocuments(index.docs(), index.analyzer());
} else {
indexWriter.addDocument(index.docs().get(0), index.analyzer());
} else {
if (versionValue != null) {
index.created(versionValue.delete()); // we have a delete which is not GC'ed...
if (index.docs().size() > 1) {
indexWriter.updateDocuments(index.uid(), index.docs(), index.analyzer());//获取IndexOperation中doc中字段更新索引
} else {
indexWriter.updateDocument(index.uid(), index.docs().get(0), index.analyzer());
Translog.Location translogLocation = translog.add(new Translog.Index(index));//写translog versionMap.putUnderLock(index.uid().bytes(), new VersionValue(updatedVersion, translogLocation)); indexingService.postIndexUnderLock(index);




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