英语音乐---三、Cry on my shoulder


一句话总结:Cry on my shoulder 在我的肩膀上哭泣

1、If the hero never comes to you.  If you need someone you're feeling blue.  If you wait for love and you’re alone .  ?

If the hero never comes to you. 如果你的真命天子仍未来到  
  If you need someone you're feeling blue. 如果你情绪低落需要有人陪伴  
  If you wait for love and you’re alone 如果你孤单的等候著你的爱情

2、If you call your friends and nobody's home.  You can run away but you can't hide.  Through a storm and through a lonely night. ?

If you call your friends and nobody's home. 如果你打电话给朋友却没有一人在家   

You can run away but you can't hide. 你可以逃离但终要面对  
  Through a storm and through a lonely night. 经历了风暴忍受了孤独

3、Then I show you there's a destiny.  The best things in life. They"re free. ?

Then I show you there's a destiny. 我要让你知道每人都有他的命运  
  The best things in life. They"re free. 一生中最美好的东西,他们是自由

4、But if you wanna cry.  Cry on my shoulder.  If you need someone who cares for you.  If you"re feeling sad your heart gets colder. ?

But if you wanna cry. 如果你想哭
  Cry on my shoulder. 靠在我肩膀上哭
  If you need someone who cares for you. 如果你需要关怀你的人  
  If you"re feeling sad your heart gets colder. 如果你感到心灰意冷

5、Yes I show you what real love can do. If your sky is grey oh let me know.  There's a place in heaven where we'll go.   If heaven is a million years away. ?

Yes I show you what real love can do. 我会让你知道真爱的力量  
  If your sky is grey oh let me know. 如果你的天空灰沉沉的,哦,要告诉我   
  There's a place in heaven where we'll go. 天堂总有一块我们要投奔的乐土
  If heaven is a million years away. 如果天堂离我们有百万年远

6、Oh just call me and I make your day.  When the nights are getting cold and blue. When the days are getting hard for you. I will always stay here by your side. I promise you I'll never hide. ?

Oh just call me and I make your day. 只要来个电话,让我与你相约
  When the nights are getting cold and blue. 当夜变冷变深  
  When the days are getting hard for you. 当日子变得艰难  
  I will always stay here by your side. 我会一直陪在你身边  
  I promise you I'll never hide. 我向你承诺,我不会躲藏

7、What real love can do. ?


8、What love can do?





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