
singleton class and usage in c++.


what singleton solve?

Singletons solve one (and only one) problem.

Resource Contention.

If you have some resource that

(1) can only have a single instance, and

(2) you need to manage that single instance,

you need a singleton.

There aren't many examples. A log file is the big one. You don't want to just abandon a single log file. You want to flush, sync and close it properly. This is an example of a single shared resource that has to be managed.

It's rare that you need a singleton. The reason they're bad is that they feel like a global and they're a fully paid up member of the GoF Design Patterns book.

When you think you need a global, you're probably making a terrible design mistake.

local static object

Actually, in C++ preferred way is local static object.

singleton pure

class Singleton
Singleton(); public:
Singleton(Singleton const&) = delete;
Singleton& operator=(Singleton const&) = delete; static Singleton& instance()
static Singleton INSTANCE;
return INSTANCE;

singleton with shared_ptr

class Singleton
Singleton(); public:
Singleton(Singleton const&) = delete;
Singleton& operator=(Singleton const&) = delete; static std::shared_ptr<Singleton> instance()
static std::shared_ptr<Singleton> s{new Singleton};
return s;

singleton usage

#define DISALLOW_COPY(TypeName) \
TypeName(const TypeName&) #define DISALLOW_ASSIGN(TypeName) \
TypeName& operator=(const TypeName&) #define DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TypeName) \
TypeName(const TypeName&); \
TypeName& operator=(const TypeName&) class CSingleton
static CSingleton &GetInstance()
static CSingleton instance;
return instance;
void DoSomething()
printf("void CSingleton::DoSomething() called.\n");
} private:
CSingleton() {};
}; // usage
CSingleton::GetInstance().DoSomething(); // OK CSingleton& singleton = CSingleton::GetInstance(); // OK with reference
singleton.DoSomething(); CSingleton singleton = CSingleton::GetInstance(); // ERROR (copy constructor)



#pragma once

class Config
static Config& GetInstance(std::string filename="./config.ini");
~Config(); private:
Config(std::string filename);
Config(const Config& ref) {}
Config& operator =(const Config& ref) { return *this; }


#include "Config.h"

static config instance will only be created once by calling Config::Config,
when program exit,static variable will be destoryed by calling Config::~Config.
*/ Config& Config::GetInstance(std::string filename)
static Config instance(filename);
return instance;
} Config::Config(std::string filename)
std::cout << "[LOG] Config::Config count= "<<count << std::endl;
// load config from filename
// ...
} Config::~Config()
std::cout << "[LOG] Config::~Config count= " << count << std::endl;


void MysqlDb::load_config(std::string filename)
this->mysql_connection = Config::GetInstance(filename).MYSQL_CONNECTION;
this->mysql_username = Config::GetInstance(filename).MYSQL_USERNAME;
this->mysql_password = Config::GetInstance(filename).MYSQL_PASSWORD;
this->mysql_database = Config::GetInstance(filename).MYSQL_DATABASE;
this->max_connection_pool_size = Config::GetInstance(filename).MAX_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE;



  • 20180122: created.



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