
The unchecked keyword is used to suppress overflow-checking for integral-type arithmetic operations and conversions.
In an unchecked context, if an expression produces a value that is outside the range of the destination type, the overflow is not flagged. For example,
because the calculation in the following example is performed in an unchecked block or expression, the fact that the result is too large for an integer
is ignored, and int1 is assigned the value -2,147,483,639.


unchecked 关键字用于禁止编译器对整型算术运算和转型进行溢出检查。
(就是MAX INT + 10, 结果超过了最大的整型能表达的值。在计算机中,溢出会造成符号位进位或者取反)

所以当遇到Win32 Api中这样的函数定义以及参数说明时,可以使用unchecked 来传入 -1 .

//dwPrefMaxLen [in]
//A value that specifies the preferred maximum length of returned data, in //8-bit bytes. If this parameter is -1, the buffer that is returned is large //enough to hold all available data. uint preMax;
preMax = (uint)-;


[1]unchecked, https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/a569z7k8.aspx


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