



    JSON(JavaScript Object Notation)是一种轻量级的数据交换语言,它虽然是JavaScript的一个子集,但它是独立于语言的文本格式。它的数据格式比较简单,易于读写,且都是压缩的,占用带宽小且易于解析,通常会用JSON格式来传输数据或者用于数据存储。有关JSON数据结构语法的更多知识大家可以在网上其它的地方进行了解,我们只要记住在服务端向客户端传输数据时经常使用它,然后对它的序列化和反序列化非常值得了解就ok了。序列化的过程就是把实体类对象转化成JSON字符串对象,直接把实体类的属性名称和属性值组成“名称/值”的格式,反序列化过程则正好相反。(本人渣渣一枚,关于这些比较正式的语言也不太会说,然后有些直接搬的是书上我读得懂的文字咯)




   public  class Student
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; } public static List<Student> getTestData()
List<Student> studentList = new List<Student>();
studentList.Add(new Student() { Id = "", Name = "czhhhh", Age = });
studentList.Add(new Student() { Id = "", Name = "xxxxzh", Age = });
studentList.Add(new Student() { Id = "", Name = "wwwko", Age = });
studentList.Add(new Student() { Id = "", Name = "Marrio", Age = });
studentList.Add(new Student() { Id = "", Name = "Mike", Age = });
return studentList;


      private void InitData()
{ List<Student> studentlist = Student.getTestData(); //取得测试数据 //序列化Json 方法一:
DataContractJsonSerializer seriliazer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(studentlist.GetType());
//学生列表来studentlist.GetType(),这里我们应该了解typeof 和GetType()的区别 using (MemoryStream ms=new MemoryStream())
seriliazer.WriteObject(ms, studentlist);
//WriteObject:Serializes a specified object to JSON data
// and writes the resulting JSON to a stream.(Serializes和writes) ms.Position = ; //注意这个是必须的,因为上一步的操作
//中ms的Position值会指向流的最后,为了后面的读取必须移到开头 using (StreamReader reader=new StreamReader(ms)) //从流中读取数据
tb.Text = reader.ReadToEnd(); //将读取到的数据进行显示
} //序列化Json 方法二:
JsonArray stujsonarray = new JsonArray();

foreach (var stu in studentlist)
JsonObject stujson = new JsonObject();
stujson.SetNamedValue("id", JsonValue.CreateStringValue(stu.Id)); //name-value 键值对
stujson.SetNamedValue("name", JsonValue.CreateStringValue(stu.Name));
stujson.SetNamedValue("age", JsonValue.CreateNumberValue(stu.Age));
stujsonarray.Add(stujson); //将JsonObject对象添加到JsonArray
tb.Text = stujsonarray.Stringify(); //调用Stringify()返回封装值的 JSON 表示形式进行显示




       private async void InitDeData()
StorageFolder installFolder = Windows.ApplicationModel.Package.Current.InstalledLocation;
StorageFile storagefile = await installFolder.GetFileAsync("student.txt");
string text = await FileIO.ReadTextAsync(storagefile); List<Student> stulist = new List<Student>(); //反序列化JSON 方法一
// DataContractJsonSerializer seriliazer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(List<Student>));

//将json字符串转化为byte []来作为参数实例化MemoryStream
// using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text)))
// {
// stulist = seriliazer.ReadObject(ms) as List<Student>;
// // Reads a document stream in the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format
// // and returns the deserialized object. (read和return)
// // 强制转换成List<Student>
// }
//listView.ItemsSource = stulist; //绑定到ListView控件上进行展示 //反序列化JSON 方法二
JsonArray jsonarray = JsonArray.Parse(text); //将JSON字符串转换成JsonArray
// (因为我们的JSON字符串是由多个对象组成的数据,单个对象用JsonObjcet.Parse)
for (int i = ; i < jsonarray.Count; i++)
JsonObject jsonobj = jsonarray.GetObjectAt((uint)i); // 从键值对中取数据
stulist.Add(new Student() { Id = jsonobj.GetNamedString("Id"),
Name = jsonobj.GetNamedString("Name"),
Age = (int)jsonobj.GetNamedNumber("Age") });
listView.ItemsSource = stulist;



     XML(Extensible Markup Language,可扩展标记语言)可用于创建内容,然后使用限定标记进行标记,从而使每个短语、块成为可识别、可分类的信息。它是一种易于使用和扩展的标记语言,它和JSON一样也可以用来进行数据传输和数据存储,但使用比JSON更加广泛,也是一种简单的数据存储格式。有关XML语法更多详细的内容大家可以在网上进行了解。




 public   class Book
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Author { get; set; }
public string Isbn { get; set; }
public decimal Price { get; set; }
public static List<Book> getTestData()
List<Book> booklist = new List<Book>();
booklist.Add(new Book() { Name = "家", Author = "巴金", Isbn = "", Price = 25.00M });
booklist.Add(new Book() { Name = "希尔伯特几何基础", Author = "希尔伯特", Isbn = "", Price = 69.00M });
booklist.Add(new Book() { Name = "自然哲学之数学原理", Author = "牛顿", Isbn = "", Price = 45.00M });
booklist.Add(new Book() { Name = "卓有成效的管理者", Author = "德鲁克", Isbn = "", Price = 55.00M });
booklist.Add(new Book() { Name = "革命年代", Author = "高华", Isbn = "", Price = 35.00M });
return booklist;


  private async void InitData()
List<Book> booklist = Book.getTestData(); // //序列化 方法一: 这个和序列化Json (DataContractJsonSerializer)类似的。
DataContractSerializer serializer = new DataContractSerializer(booklist.GetType());
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
serializer.WriteObject(ms, booklist);
ms.Position = ;
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(ms))
tb.Text = reader.ReadToEnd();
} // //序列化 方法二:
//XmlDocument xdoc = new XmlDocument();
//XmlElement books = xdoc.CreateElement("books");
//xdoc.AppendChild(books); //foreach (var book in booklist)
// XmlElement book1 = xdoc.CreateElement("book"); // XmlElement name = xdoc.CreateElement("name");
// name.InnerText = book.Name;
// book1.AppendChild(name); // XmlElement author = xdoc.CreateElement("author");
// author.InnerText = book.Author;
// book1.AppendChild(author); // XmlElement Isbn = xdoc.CreateElement("isbn");
// Isbn.InnerText = book.Isbn;
// book1.AppendChild(Isbn); // XmlElement Price = xdoc.CreateElement("price");
// Price.InnerText = book.Price.ToString();
// book1.AppendChild(Price); // books.AppendChild(book1);
//} //StorageFile file = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.CreateFileAsync("book.xml",
//await xdoc.SaveToFileAsync(file); //if (file != null)
// tb.Text = await FileIO.ReadTextAsync(file);





             List<Book> booklist = Book.getTestData();

            //  序列化  方法一:  这个和序列化Json (DataContractJsonSerializer)类似的。
DataContractSerializer serializer = new DataContractSerializer(booklist.GetType());
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
serializer.WriteObject(ms, booklist);
ms.Position = ;
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(ms))
tb.Text = reader.ReadToEnd();
} //反序列化XML 方法一
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(tb.Text)))
DataContractSerializer deserializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(List<Book>));
ms.Position = ;//这个不要忘记!!!
booklist = deserializer.ReadObject(ms) as List<Book>;
listView.ItemsSource = booklist;       //反序列化XML 方法二
                XmlDocument xdoc = new XmlDocument();
                XmlNodeList nodelist = xdoc.SelectNodes("books/book");
                foreach (var node in nodelist)
                    XmlElement xe = (XmlElement)node;
                    booklist.Add(new Book()
                        Name = xe.ChildNodes.Item(0).InnerText,
                        Author = xe.ChildNodes.Item(1).InnerText,
                        Isbn = xe.ChildNodes.Item(2).InnerText,
                        Price = Convert.ToDecimal(xe.ChildNodes.Item(3).InnerText)
                listView.ItemsSource = booklist;


ok,这个就是XML和JSON序列化和反序列化的一些内容了,XML这部分开始不是这样子的,Microsoft Edge在我快写完的时候卡的一下把我下午写的恢复到了昨天晚上的状态!!!  下次见!


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