A strobogrammatic number is a number that looks the same when rotated 180 degrees (looked at upside down).

Write a function to count the total strobogrammatic numbers that exist in the range of low <= num <= high.


Input: low = "50", high = "100"
Output: 3
Explanation: 69, 88, and 96 are three strobogrammatic numbers.

Because the range might be a large number, the lowand high numbers are represented as string.


这道题是之前那两道 Strobogrammatic Number II 和 Strobogrammatic Number 的拓展,又增加了难度,让找给定范围内的对称数的个数,我们当然不能一个一个的判断是不是对称数,也不能直接每个长度调用第二道中的方法,保存所有的对称数,然后再统计个数,这样 OJ 会提示内存超过允许的范围,所以这里的解法是基于第二道的基础上,不保存所有的结果,而是在递归中直接计数,根据之前的分析,需要初始化 n=0 和 n=1 的情况,然后在其基础上进行递归,递归的长度 len 从 low 到 high 之间遍历,然后看当前单词长度有没有达到 len,如果达到了,首先要去掉开头是0的多位数,然后去掉长度和 low 相同但小于 low 的数,和长度和 high 相同但大于 high 的数,然后结果自增1,然后分别给当前单词左右加上那五对对称数,继续递归调用,参见代码如下:


class Solution {
int strobogrammaticInRange(string low, string high) {
int res = ;
for (int i = low.size(); i <= high.size(); ++i) {
find(low, high, "", i, res);
find(low, high, "", i, res);
find(low, high, "", i, res);
find(low, high, "", i, res);
return res;
void find(string low, string high, string path, int len, int &res) {
if (path.size() >= len) {
if (path.size() != len || (len != && path[] == '')) return;
if ((len == low.size() && path.compare(low) < ) || (len == high.size() && path.compare(high) > )) {
find(low, high, "" + path + "", len, res);
find(low, high, "" + path + "", len, res);
find(low, high, "" + path + "", len, res);
find(low, high, "" + path + "", len, res);
find(low, high, "" + path + "", len, res);



class Solution {
int strobogrammaticInRange(string low, string high) {
int res = ;
find(low, high, "", res);
find(low, high, "", res);
find(low, high, "", res);
find(low, high, "", res);
return res;
void find(string low, string high, string w, int &res) {
if (w.size() >= low.size() && w.size() <= high.size()) {
if (w.size() == high.size() && w.compare(high) > ) {
if (!(w.size() > && w[] == '') && !(w.size() == low.size() && w.compare(low) < )) {
if (w.size() + > high.size()) return;
find(low, high, "" + w + "", res);
find(low, high, "" + w + "", res);
find(low, high, "" + w + "", res);
find(low, high, "" + w + "", res);
find(low, high, "" + w + "", res);

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Strobogrammatic Number II

Strobogrammatic Number





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