Ticket description:A55482L

Ticket attachment:

  1. Open the attached page

  2. Open the internationalizing properties file.

vim /opt/plm/webapp/internal/WEB-INF/classes/LuxotticaStringResource.properties

  3. Search items with color value ‘Prizm Grey’ of drop down

  4. Add a new range to attribute LUX_RxLenses_Color  in accordance with user’s requirement.

  5. Then reopen the ticket’s attached page, you will see 38 added to drop down,  but it is different from other range value, since we didn’t internationalize the attribute’s range value.

  6. add internationalizing value.

Attention: you need to modify four properties files in four production machine.

vim /opt/plm/webapp/internal/WEB-INF/classes/LuxotticaStringResource.properties

vim /opt/plm/webapp/3dspace/WEB-INF/classes/LuxotticaStringResource.properties

vim /opt/plm/webapp/internal/WEB-INF/classes/emxFrameworkStringResource.properties

vim /opt/plm/webapp/3dspace/WEB-INF/classes/emxFrameworkStringResource.properties

7.Execute the following command to restart tomcat in four production machine

a. ps –ef|grep tomcat

confirm which tomcat service you need to restart

b. restart tomcat

sudo service tomee0 start|stop|restart|status

sudo service tomee1 tart|stop|restart|status

sudo service tomee4 start|stop|restart|status


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