
let richText = this.viewNode.getChildByName('richText').getComponent(cc.RichText);
const str = "<u>hello</u><color=#ff0000>Red Text,</color><br/>"+
"<size=60>enlarge me,</size>"+
"<br/><outline color=red width=4>A label with <i>outline,</i></outline>"+
"<br/><b>This text will be rendered as bold,</b>"+
"<br/><i>This text will be rendered as italic。</i>";
this.richText(richText,str); private richText(richTextNode,str: string = "") {
const regex = /<.+?\/?>/g; // 匹配尖括号标签
const matchArr = str.match(regex);
const specialChar = "│";
const replaceStr = str.replace(regex, specialChar); // 标签数组
const textArr: string[] = replaceStr.split(specialChar); // 文字数组
const strArr: string[] = []; // 存放处理过的文字数组
let paraNum = 0; // 待替换参数个数
for (let text of textArr) {
// 非空字符替换成类似 $[0-n] 参数
if (text !== "") {
text = `$[${paraNum}]`;
paraNum += 1;
let templetStr: string = strArr.join(specialChar); // 数组转成待替换字符串
for (let index = 0; index < textArr.length; index++) {
// 转换代替换字符串之后, 删除文字数组多余空字符
if (textArr[index] === "") {
textArr.splice(index, 1);
index = index - 1;
while (templetStr.search(specialChar) !== -1) {
// 数组转成的字符串原本 '特殊字符' 位置都是富文本标签的位置, 替换回标签
if (matchArr[0]) {
templetStr = templetStr.replace(specialChar, matchArr[0].toString());
matchArr.splice(0, 1);
} else {
templetStr = templetStr.replace(specialChar, "");// 空字符串替换,防止死循环
console.warn("matchArr not enough");
const lastStrArr: string[] = []; // 转换后富文本数组
const arrayParm: string[] = new Array(paraNum).fill(""); // 替换参数数组
for (let i = 0; i < textArr.length; i++) {
for (const text of textArr[i]) {
arrayParm[i] = arrayParm[i] + text;
let replaceStr1 = templetStr;
for (let index = 0; index < paraNum; index++) {
replaceStr1 = replaceStr1.replace(`$[${index}]`, arrayParm[index]);
let lastStrIndex = 0;
const func = () => {
if (lastStrIndex >= lastStrArr.length) {
richTextNode.string = lastStrArr[lastStrIndex];
lastStrIndex += 1;
setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);

我只是战略性mark 打扰了~~


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