一、开启 springcache,启动类添加 @EnableCaching 注解

public class GatheringApplication { public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(GatheringApplication.class, args);

二、添加缓存,修改 findById 方法 通过 @Cacheable 添加缓存

* 根据ID查询实体
* @param id
* @return
@Cacheable(value = "gathering",key = "#id")
public Gathering findById(String id) {
return gatheringDao.findById(id).get();

三、删除缓存,修改 update 和 deleteById 方法 通过 @CacheEvict 删除缓存

* 修改
* @param gathering
@CacheEvict(value = "gathering",key = "#gathering.id")
public void update(Gathering gathering) {
} /**
* 删除
* @param id
@CacheEvict(value = "gathering",key = "#id")
public void deleteById(String id) {



  Hibernate: select gathering0_.id as id1_0_0_, gathering0_.address as address2_0_0_ from tb_gathering gathering0_ where gathering0_.id=? 2、执行修改方法

   Hibernate: select gathering0_.id as id1_0_0_, gathering0_.address as address2_0_0_ from tb_gathering gathering0_ where gathering0_.id=?
   Hibernate: update tb_gathering set address=?, city=?, detail=?, endtime=?, enrolltime=?, where id=?

 3、再次查询(点击5次),因为执行 修改方法时,也删除了缓存,所以本次查询可以进入方法体,并交互数据库

   Hibernate: select gathering0_.id as id1_0_0_, gathering0_.address as address2_0_0_ from tb_gathering gathering0_ where gathering0_.id=?


   Hibernate: select gathering0_.id as id1_0_0_, gathering0_.address as address2_0_0_ from tb_gathering gathering0_ where gathering0_.id=?
   Hibernate: delete from tb_gathering where id=?

 5、再次查询(点击5次),因为执行 删除方法时,也删除了缓存,所以本次查询可以进入方法体,并交互数据库,但未查询出结果 

    Hibernate: select gathering0_.id as id1_0_0_, gathering0_.address as address2_0_0_ from tb_gathering gathering0_ where gathering0_.id=?


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