
# sudo -u kudu kudu cluster ksck $master
Summary by table
Name | RF | Status | Total Tablets | Healthy | Recovering | Under-replicated | Unavailable
impala::test_db.test_table | 3 | HEALTHY | 4 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0

其中RF即replication factor;


By default, Kudu tables created through Impala use a tablet replication factor of 3. To specify the replication factor for a Kudu table, add a TBLPROPERTIES clause to the CREATE TABLE statement as shown below where n is the replication factor you want to use:

TBLPROPERTIES ('kudu.num_tablet_replicas' = 'n')

A replication factor must be an odd number.

Changing the kudu.num_tablet_replicas table property using ALTER TABLE currently has no effect.



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