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sudo apt-get install meld 想要运行直接在命令行中输入meld&,或者绑定在屏幕左侧的Dock栏,直接点击。 @

 打开: meld&  , 报错如下:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/bin/meld”, line , in
import meld.conf
ImportError: No module named ‘meld’
My guess would be that you have changed your system’s default Python version (Python3 instead of Python2). Two possible solutions:
.Switch back to Python2. You might not want to do this, as there probably was a reason for switching to Python3. Switching back might result in other programs not working as expected. See command update-alternatives for switching the default Python version.
.Force meld to use Python2. For doing so, open /usr/bin/meld with root rights in a text editor and change the very first line from: #!/usr/bin/python
to: #!/usr/bin/python2
Attention: Whenever meld gets updated, you will have to do that modification again.
看看是不是动了python,在终端下面敲python 如果默认是python3,去usr/bin 目录下面把python软链接改成python2就可以;


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