我们难免会因为种种原因执行一些错误的commit / push,git提供了revert命令帮助程序员修复这样的错误。

举个例子,下图是git commit 的历史记录

git revert 命令会通过一个新的commit 来使仓库倒退一个commit,在上例中,如果程序员想要revert 最新的那次commit (Updated to Rails 2.3.2 and edge hoptoad_notifier)

$ git revert HEAD
Finished one revert.
[master]: created 1e689e2:
"Revert "Updated to Rails 2.3.2 and edge hoptoad_notifier""

git 会自动生成一个 Revert “Updated to Rails 2.3.2 and edge hoptoad_notifier” 为注释的新 commit,这时的历史记录如下


通常情况下,上面这条revert命令会让程序员修改注释,这时候程序员应该标注revert的原因,假设程序员就想使用默认的注释,可以在命令中加上-n或者$ git revert HEAD~1
fatal: Commit 137ea95 is a merge but no -m option was given.
对于revert merge的情况,程序员需要指出revert 这个merge commit中的哪一个。通过--mainline参数,以及配合一个整数参数,git就知道到底要revert哪一个merge。我们先来看一下要revert的这个merge

$ git log HEAD~1 -1
commit 137ea95c911633d3e908f6906e3adf6372cfb0ad
Merge: 5f576a9... 62db4af...
Author: Nick Quaranto <nick@quaran.to>
Date: Mon Mar 16 16:22:37 2009 -0400 Merging in rails-2.3 branch

如果使用-m 2会revert第二个commit,也就是62db4af。

$ git revert HEAD~1 --no-edit --mainline 2
Finished one revert.
[master]: created 526b346: "Revert "Merging in rails-2.3 branch"" $ git log -1
commit d64d3983845dfa18a5d935c7ac5a4855c125e474
Author: Nick Quaranto <nick@quaran.to>
Date: Mon Mar 16 19:24:45 2009 -0400 Revert "Merging in rails-2.3 branch" This reverts commit 137ea95c911633d3e908f6906e3adf6372cfb0ad, reversing
changes made to 62db4af8c77852d2cc9c19efc6dfb97e0d0067f5.



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