当我们点Debug Android时,会弹出以下错误
Could not debug. Unable to set up communication with VSCode react-native extension. Is this a react-native project, and have you made sure that the react-native npm package is installed at the root?


npm -g uninstall react-native-cli
npm -g install react-native-cli@1.3.0

调试时不需要勾选ALL Exceptions,否则运行起来处处thow Error(),程序会运行不起来。

出现以下红屏(Unable to connect with remote debugger):

解决方法:摇下手机,在弹出的对话框中选择“Dev Settings”,再选择“Debug server host & port for device”,输入电脑的IP地址和监听端口号(默认为8081,用英文分号隔开),例如:


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