1 环境变量篇

1.1  修改 查看 生效 系统环境变量

1 涉及系统环境变量的文件   -->  .bash_profile

               --> /etc/profile

2 该文件位置 /root/.bash_profile

3 文件编辑器打开  vi .bash_profile

4 文件末尾加入

JAVA_HOME = /usr/share/jdk 1.6.0
$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar export JAVA_HOME
export PATH
export CLASSPATH 5 文件生效
source /root/.bash_profile
6 验证环境变量
export JAVA_HOME
VI 命令篇章
输入指令 a
退出指令 :q 强退:q! 保存且退出 :wq
存成新文件 :w newfile 查找指令 : ?____ <要查找的单词>
/ ____ 要查的词
n finding the dedicate word then moving to the next
N oppersite direction
:set nu <---show the line number
:set nonu <---remove line number direction :
h j l input: i insert in front of the cursor
a insert behind the cursor
o insert in the next line of the cursor delete:
x:delete the char of the cursor
X :delete the char of the cursor dd:delete the current row
5dd:delete the currrent line and the next 5 line
:1,5d delete1 to 5 line
x delete one charactor vi substitute
:s /cici/titi replace the line cici with titi
:s/cici/titi/g replace all the cici with titi in the current line
:n,$s/cici/titi the line n to the last line.each line cici replace with titi
:n,$s /cici/titi/g the line n to the last line.each line cici replace with titi
:.,$s/cici/titi replace all the words in the passages from the first line
to the last line repalce confirmation command.adding character c behind the comma :s/cici/titi/gc all the cici replace with titi + confirmation
show line number :set nu dw delete current words
3dw delete 3 words copy and attach yw copy word
y5w copy all 5 words
yy copy all the line
5yy copy 5 lines
p copy after the current line
:1,2co3 copy from line1 to line2 after line 3
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 6
5 4
6 5 location command
gg moving to the front of the file
G moving to the end of file
:20 moving to line 20
J merge 2 line
shift + 8 :
finding the word which is in the position of cursor


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