
bower install qtip2 // lowercase!


<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/jquery.qtip.js"></script>



外面的js包含了插件Plugins: tips modal viewport svg imagemap ie6,。



/* Basic styles */
.qtip-light{} /* Light coloured style */
.qtip-dark{} /* Alternative dark style */
.qtip-cream{} /* Cream-esque style, similar to the default */
.qtip-red{} /* Alert-ful red style */
.qtip-green{} /* Positive green style */
.qtip-blue{} /* Informative blue style */ /* CSS3 styles */
.qtip-rounded{} /* CSS3 border-radius class for applying rounded corners to your tooltips */
.qtip-shadow{} /* CSS3 box-shadow class for applying shadows to your tooltips */
.qtip-bootstrap{} /* Twitter Bootstrap style */
.qtip-youtube{} /* Google's new YouTube style */
.qtip-tipsy{} /* Minimalist Tipsy style */
.qtip-tipped{} /* Tipped libraries "Blue" style */
.qtip-jtools{} /* jTools tooltip style */
.qtip-cluetip{} /* Good ole' ClueTip style */



JavaScript String

If you just want a common piece of text shared between all your tooltips, you can supply qTip2  directly with a JavaScript String

$('a').qtip({ // Grab some elements to apply the tooltip to
content: {
text: 'My common piece of text here'


$('.selector').qtip({ content: 'My content' });


title attribute

If you plan on using qTip2  as simply a very thin replacement of the browser tooltips, the title attribute is a great way to do so. It's standards compliant, it's the expected place for tooltip text, and the plugin will automaically look there for its content if none is given inside your .qtip({ ... }) config object!

$('[title]').qtip(); // Grab all elements with a title attribute, and apply qTip!
$('[title!=""]').qtip(); // A bit better. Grab elements with a title attribute that isn't blank.

This is the simplest method of using qTip2 , as it requires very little setup and works to replace existing, native tooltips auto-magically!




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