采用shared memory加速


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <device_launch_parameters.h>
#include "functions.h" #define TILE_SIZE 16 __global__ void matrixMulKernel(float *C, float *A, float *B, int width, int height){
__shared__ float tile_A[TILE_SIZE][TILE_SIZE];
__shared__ float tile_B[TILE_SIZE][TILE_SIZE];
unsigned int tx = threadIdx.x;
unsigned int ty = threadIdx.y;
unsigned int gx = blockIdx.x * TILE_SIZE + tx;
unsigned int gy = blockIdx.y * TILE_SIZE + ty;
if (gx >= width || gy >= height)
return; // Load shared memory
int tile_num = (width + TILE_SIZE - ) / TILE_SIZE;
float sum = ;
for (int i = ; i < tile_num; ++i){
int bound = min(width, TILE_SIZE);
for (int j = tx; j < bound; j += blockDim.x){
tile_A[ty][j] = A[gy * width + i * bound + j];
for (int j = ty; j < bound; j += blockDim.y){
tile_B[j][tx] = B[(i * bound + j) * width + gx];
//Synchronize to make sure the sub-matrices are loaded before starting the computation
__syncthreads(); for (int j = ; j < bound; ++j){
sum += tile_A[ty][j] * tile_B[j][tx];
//Synchronize to make sure that the preceding computation is done before loading two new
//sub-matrices of M and N in the next iteration
C[gy*width + gx] = sum;
} void constantInit(float *data, int size, float val){
for (int i = ; i < size; ++i){
data[i] = val;
} void matrixMul(){
int dev_id = ;
cudaSetDevice(dev_id); // Allocate host memory for matrices A and B
int width = ;
int height = ;
unsigned int size = width * height;
unsigned int mem_size = sizeof(float)* size;
float *h_A = (float *)malloc(mem_size);
float *h_B = (float *)malloc(mem_size);
float *h_C = (float *)malloc(mem_size); // Initialize host memory
const float valB = 0.01f;
constantInit(h_A, size, 1.0f);
constantInit(h_B, size, valB); // Allocate device memory
float *d_A, *d_B, *d_C;
cudaMalloc((void **)&d_A, mem_size);
cudaMalloc((void **)&d_B, mem_size);
cudaMalloc((void **)&d_C, mem_size); // Memcpy
cudaMemcpy(d_A, h_A, mem_size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
cudaMemcpy(d_B, h_B, mem_size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); // Config dim
dim3 block(TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE);
dim3 grid((width + block.x - ) / block.x, (height + block.y - ) / block.y);
matrixMulKernel <<<grid, block >>>(d_C, d_A, d_B, width, height); // Memcpy device to host
cudaMemcpy(h_C, d_C, mem_size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); // Check
printf("Checking computed result for correctness: ");
bool correct = true;
// test relative error by the formula // |<x, y>_cpu - <x,y>_gpu|/<|x|, |y|> < eps
double eps = .e-;
// machine zero
for (int i = ; i < (int)(width * height); i++) {
double abs_err = fabs(h_C[i] - (width * valB));
double dot_length = width;
double abs_val = fabs(h_C[i]);
double rel_err = abs_err / abs_val / dot_length;
if (abs_err > eps) {
printf("Error! Matrix[%05d]=%.8f, ref=%.8f error term is > %E\n", i, h_C[i], (float)(width*height), eps);
correct = false;
printf("%s\n", correct ? "Result = PASS" : "Result = FAIL");

合并访存:tile_A按行存储,tile_B按列存储,sum=row_tile_A * row_tile_B

__global__ void matrixMulKernel(float *C, float *A, float *B, int width, int height){
__shared__ float tile_A[TILE_SIZE][TILE_SIZE];
__shared__ float tile_B[TILE_SIZE][TILE_SIZE];
unsigned int tx = threadIdx.x;
unsigned int ty = threadIdx.y;
unsigned int gx = blockIdx.x * TILE_SIZE + tx;
unsigned int gy = blockIdx.y * TILE_SIZE + ty;
if (gx >= width || gy >= height)
return; // Load shared memory
int tile_num = (width + TILE_SIZE - ) / TILE_SIZE;
float sum = ;
for (int i = ; i < tile_num; ++i){
tile_A[tx][ty] = A[gy * width + i * TILE_SIZE + tx];
tile_B[ty][tx] = B[(i * TILE_SIZE + ty) * width + gx];
//Synchronize to make sure the sub-matrices are loaded before starting the computation
__syncthreads(); for (int j = ; j < TILE_SIZE; ++j){
sum += tile_A[j][ty] * tile_B[j][tx];
//Synchronize to make sure that the preceding computation is done before loading two new
//sub-matrices of M and N in the next iteration
C[gy*width + gx] = sum;


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