Welcome to IdentityServer4:  https://identityserver4.readthedocs.io/en/release/   支持 ASP.NET Core 2

1、两种 AuthorizationSchemes 在 ASP.NET Core 2:‘


2、Asp Core 2 Jwt Authentification      https://github.com/aspnet/Home/issues/2198

3、 Implementing and Securing an API with ASP.NET Core


4、Asp .Net Core 2.0 登录授权以及多用户登录       http://www.cnblogs.com/seriawei/p/7452743.html

5、.AddOpenIdConnect  配置 “验证Authentication”   (ASP.NET Core Security 的三种验证例子)https://github.com/leastprivilege/AspNetCoreSecuritySamples/blob/aspnetcore2/OIDC/src/AspNetCoreSecurity/Startup.cs

Cookies 、JWTOIDC 、外部第三方

6、自定义验证方案   https://kevin-junghans.blogspot.com/2017/08/customizing-claims-for-authorization-in.html


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