一、WPF 中获取和设置鼠标位置



    Point p = Mouse.GetPosition(e.Source as FrameworkElement);

  Point p = (e.Source as FrameworkElement).PointToScreen(pp);

    方法二: API方法

   /// <summary>
/// 设置鼠标的坐标
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">横坐标</param>
/// <param name="y">纵坐标</param> [DllImport("User32")] public extern static void SetCursorPos(int x, int y);
public struct POINT
public int X;
public int Y;
public POINT(int x, int y)
this.X = x;
this.Y = y;
} } /// <summary>
/// 获取鼠标的坐标
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lpPoint">传址参数,坐标point类型</param>
/// <returns>获取成功返回真</returns> [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern bool GetCursorPos(out POINT pt); private void Window_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
POINT p = new POINT();
if (GetCursorPos(out p))//API方法
txtStat.Text = string.Format("X:{0} Y:{1}", p.X, p.Y);

二、 WPF中实现实时更新progressbar



private delegate void UpdateProgressBarDelegate(System.Windows.DependencyProperty dp,

Object value);

private void Process()
//Configure the ProgressBar
ProgressBar1.Minimum = 0;
ProgressBar1.Maximum = short.MaxValue;
ProgressBar1.Value = 0;

//Stores the value of the ProgressBar
double value = 0;

UpdateProgressBarDelegate updatePbDelegate = new UpdateProgressBarDelegate(ProgressBar1.SetValue);

//Tight Loop: Loop until the ProgressBar.Value reaches the max
value += 1;

new object[] { ProgressBar.ValueProperty, value });

while (ProgressBar1.Value != ProgressBar1.Maximum);




    <ProgressBar Grid.Row="1" Height="20" Width="200" Margin="0,4,0,0"   Name="ProgressBar1" HorizontalAlignment="Center"  VerticalAlignment="top"  />




  public Window1()
InitializeComponent(); DispatcherTimer _mainTimer = new DispatcherTimer();
_mainTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds();
_mainTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(_mainTimer_Tick);
_mainTimer.IsEnabled = true; }
 void _mainTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (progressBar2.Value == progressBar1.Maximum)
progressBar2.Value = ; progressBar2.Value++;


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  4. Koala编译less
  5. 如何使用validate.js进行动态添加和移除表单验证信息
  6. 记录IOS入门的过程
  7. 【H5开发基础】移动端1像素边框问题的解决方案
  8. 为什么选择MongoDB?
  9. php fsockopen
  10. 使用.NET Core快速开发一个较正规的命令行应用程序
  11. Oracle外部表与SQLLDR
  12. 03_ if 练习 _ little2big
  13. SqlServer 行转一列逗号隔开
  14. oracle优化技巧及实例(总结)
  15. matchmove流程中修改Maya相机数据的脚本
  16. 解决sublime3不能编辑插件default settings的问题
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  1. Mac系统登录不进系统解决办法
  2. 工作随笔——获取当前Java程序PID
  3. C# 移动及限制移动距离
  4. python--Websocket实现, 加密 sha1,base64
  5. 06_python_小数据池/ is == /编码
  6. Windows+MyEclipse+MySQL【连接数据库报错caching_sha2_password】
  7. 写一个MySql存储过程实现房贷等额本息还款计算(另外附javascript代码)
  8. 第一章-Javac编译器介绍
  9. PHP-引入文件(include)后,页面错位,不居中解决办法
  10. Vue源码翻译之组件初始化。