
天去面试很有意思,技术考官指着最后一道二选一的编程题说,这是昨天晚上专门为你新加的.当时我听后倍感惭愧. 虽然当时在纸上把大概思路和设计说了下.为了感谢主考官的重视程度.我再电脑上把这个设计敲出来实现出来.
题目大概是这个意思: 一个咖啡店卖好几种咖啡:摩卡,布列夫,拿铁等等 咖啡有很多搭配:方糖,鲜牛奶,奶油,盐等. 试设计计算出咖啡(+搭配)的单价模型.


一:虚基类 Coffee

首先 我抽象出了一个虚基类 Coffee, 什么摩卡 布列夫 拿铁都继承这个类

. 咖啡的单价(不含 方糖 奶等 调味料) —>price
. 一个存放调味料的容器 —>ecoratorRelishChain
. 一个可以得到总价的方法 —> getTotalPrices



 //abstract 咖啡基类
@class DecoratorChain; @interface Coffee: NSObject
@property ( nonatomic,strong ) DecoratorChain *ecoratorRelishChain;//用来存储 奶 方糖 等等的调料 可以把它想象成一个调味盒
@property ( nonatomic,strong ) NSDecimalNumber *price;//单价 不含配料 -(NSDecimalNumber *) getTotalPrices;//得到总价 @end


@interface Coffee()
@property(nonatomic,strong) NSString * _coffeeName;
@end @implementation Coffee @synthesize _coffeeName,price,ecoratorRelishChain;
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
price = [[NSDecimalNumber alloc] initWithString:@"20"];
return self;
} -(NSDecimalNumber *)getTotalPrices
{ return [self.price decimalNumberByAdding: [ecoratorRelishChain getCountPrice]];
} @end

二: 虚基类 EcoratorRelish

EcoratorRelish 是 方糖 奶油 牛奶 盐 等等的抽象类 这个继承在button 点击的时候 可以自动将自己加入到chain (调料盘中)

. 自身的单价 —>price
. 可以修改价钱的策略 —> configPrivilege

方糖 等抽象出来的基类EcoratorRelish.h

@interface  EcoratorRelish: UIButton
@property(nonatomic,strong) NSDecimalNumber *price;//单价
-(DecoratorChain *)getComponentCoffee;


@implementation  EcoratorRelish
@synthesize price; - (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
[self addTarget:self action:@selector(addDecoratorChain) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
return self;
} //获取当前的辅料坐在的ViewController
- (UIViewController *)getViewController {
Class vcc = [UIViewController class];
UIResponder *responder = self;
while ((responder = [responder nextResponder]))
if ([responder isKindOfClass: vcc])
return (UIViewController *)responder;
return nil;
} //获取要装饰的咖啡的调味盒(chain)
-(DecoratorChain *)getEcoratorRelishChain
return [self getViewController].coffee.ecoratorRelishChain;
} //将自己加到咖啡的调味盒(chain)
[[self getEcoratorRelishChain] addDecoratorRelish:self];
} @end

三: 调料盒 DecoratorChain


@interface DecoratorChain: NSMutableArray


@interface DecoratorChain()
@property(nonatomic,strong) NSDecimalNumber * _countPrice;
@end @implementation DecoratorChain
@synthesize _countPrice; - (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
_countPrice = [[NSDecimalNumber alloc]init];
return self;
} -(void)addDecoratorRelish:(EcoratorRelish*)ecoratorRelish
[self addObject:ecoratorRelish];
} //得到当前所有chain 里面的总价
for (EcoratorRelish *tmp in self ) {
[_countPrice decimalNumberByAdding:tmp.price];
return _countPrice;
} @end

下面的实现代码大家应该都会写了吧. 其实回头看下 中间应用到的设计模式 最明显的是 装饰 和 组合 策略


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