This document shows you how to run JSBinding 2048 sample in Editor.

First of course, create an empty project and import JSBinding package.

In Build Settings dialog, switch platform to PC, Mac & Linux Standalone.

If you are on Windows, you have to copy DLL to unity install directory:

  • for 32bit editor: copy Assets/Plugins/x86/mozjs-31.dll to UnityInstallDir/Editor folder
  • for 64bit editor: copy Assets/Plugins/x86_64/mozjs-31.dll to UnityInstallDir/Editor folder

If you are running Windows exe, you have to copy(or move) mozjs-31.dll to the folder containing .exe.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click menu Assets | JavaScript | Gen Bindings
  2. Open scene JSBinding/Samples/2048/2048.unity.
  3. Click play button and enjoy it!

back to JSBinding / Home


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