黎曼曲面Riemann Surface

A Riemann surface is a surface-like configuration that covers the complex plane with several, and in general infinitely many, "sheets." These sheets can have very complicated structures and interconnections (Knopp 1996, pp. 98-99). Riemann surfaces are one way of representing multiple-valued functions; another is branch cuts. The above plot shows Riemann surfaces for solutions of the equation

黎曼曲面是一种类似于曲面的结构,它覆盖了多个,通常是无限多个的“片”。这些片可以有非常复杂的结构和相互连接(Knopp 1996,pp.98-99)。Riemann曲面是表示多值函数(功能)的一种方法;另一种是分支切割。上图显示了方程解的黎曼曲面。

其中d=2, 3, 4, and 5, where w(z)  is the Lambert W-function (M. Trott).
The Riemann surface  S of the function field K is the set of nontrivial
discrete valuations on K. Here, the set  S corresponds to the ideals of the ring  A of K integers of  K over C(z) . ( A consists of the elements
of K that are roots of monic polynomials over C(z) .) Riemann surfaces provide a geometric visualization of functions elements and their analytic
Schwarz proved at the end of nineteenth century that the automorphism
group of a compact Riemann surface of genus g>=2 is finite, and Hurwitz (1893) subsequently showed that its order is at most  84(g-1) (Arbarello et
al. 1985, pp. 45-47; Karcher and Weber 1999, p. 9). This bound is attained for infinitely many g, with the smallest  of g such an extremal surface being 3 (corresponding to the Klein quartic). However, it is also known that there are infinitely many genera for which the bound 84(g-1) is not attained (Belolipetsky 1997, Belolipetsky and Jones).
Schwarz在十九世纪末证明了亏格g>=2的紧致黎曼曲面的自同构群是有限的,Hurwitz(1893)随后证明了它的阶至多为84(g-1)(Arbarello等人。1985年,第45-47页;卡彻和韦伯1999年,第9页)。对于无穷多的g,这个界是得到的,并且这样一个极值曲面的最小g是3(对应于Klein四次曲线)。然而,我们也知道,有无限多的属没有达到84(g-1)的界限(belloipetsky 1997,belloipetsky和Jones)。



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