using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.ServiceModel.Channels;
using System.Reflection; namespace wcf.wcfbase
/// 使用ChannelFactory为wcf客户端创建独立通道
public class WcfChannelFactory
public WcfChannelFactory()
} ///<summary>
/// 执行方法 WSHttpBinding
///<typeparam name="T">服务接口</typeparam>
///<param name="uri">wcf地址</param>
///<param name="methodName">方法名</param>
///<param name="args">参数列表</param>
public static object ExecuteMetod<T>(string uri, string methodName, paramsobject[] args)
//BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding(); //出现异常:远程服务器返回错误: (415) Cannot process the message because the content type 'text/xml; charset=utf-8' was not the expected type 'application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8'.。
WSHttpBinding binding = new WSHttpBinding();
EndpointAddress endpoint = new EndpointAddress(uri); using (ChannelFactory<T> channelFactory = new ChannelFactory<T>(binding, endpoint))
T instance = channelFactory.CreateChannel();
using (instance as IDisposable)
Type type = typeof(T);
MethodInfo mi = type.GetMethod(methodName);
return mi.Invoke(instance, args);
catch (TimeoutException)
(instance as ICommunicationObject).Abort();
catch (CommunicationException)
(instance as ICommunicationObject).Abort();
catch (Exception vErr)
(instance as ICommunicationObject).Abort();
} //nettcpbinding 绑定方式
public static object ExecuteMethod<T>(string pUrl, string pMethodName,paramsobject[] pParams)
EndpointAddress address = new EndpointAddress(pUrl);
Binding bindinginstance = null;
NetTcpBinding ws = new NetTcpBinding();
ws.MaxReceivedMessageSize = ;
ws.Security.Mode = SecurityMode.None;
bindinginstance = ws;
using (ChannelFactory<T> channel = new ChannelFactory<T>(bindinginstance, address))
T instance = channel.CreateChannel();
using (instance as IDisposable)
Type type = typeof(T);
MethodInfo mi = type.GetMethod(pMethodName);
return mi.Invoke(instance, pParams);
catch (TimeoutException)
(instance as ICommunicationObject).Abort();
catch (CommunicationException)
(instance as ICommunicationObject).Abort();
catch (Exception vErr)
(instance as ICommunicationObject).Abort();
} //调用示例:
string uri = "http://localhost:9998/mywcf/Service";
object o = ExecuteMetod<IService>(uri, "Add",12.0,13.0);
Console.ReadKey(); //简单方法,不考虑太多,直接调用:
EndpointAddress address1 = new EndpointAddress("http://localhost:9998/mywcf/Service");
ServiceClient service1 = new ServiceClient(new WSHttpBinding(), address1);
Console.WriteLine(service1.Add(12.0, 13.0).ToString());


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