

如果链表为空,或者k<1 参数无效

除此之外 让链表从头开始走到尾,每移动一步,就让k的值减1

当链表走到头时候 如果k值大于0   说明不用调整  因为链表根本没有倒数第k个节点 此时将原链表直接返回即可

如果k值=0,说明链表倒数第k个节点就是头节点,此时直接返回head.next 也就是原链表的第二个节点 让第二个节点作为链表的头节点,此时直接返回head.next

如果k值<0  重新从头开始走,没移动一步 k值加1   当k值等于0时,停止   移动到的节点就是要删除节点的前一个节点


package TT;

public class Test85 {

      public class Node{
public int value;
public Node next; public Node(int data){
this.value = data;
} } public static Node removeLastKthNode(Node head, int lastKth){ if(head==null || lastKth<1){
return head;
Node curNode = head;
Node cur = head; while(cur!= null){
if(lastKth == 0){
head = head.next;
if(lastKth<0){ cur = head;
while(++lastKth !=0){
cur = cur.next;
cur.next = cur.next.next;
return head;
} }

双链表的问题,几乎与单链表处理如出一辙   要注意last指针的重连即可

package TT;

public class Test86 {

    public class DoubleNode{
public int value;
public DoubleNode last;
public DoubleNode next; public DoubleNode(int data){
this.value = data;
} public DoubleNode removeLastKthNode(DoubleNode head, int lastKht){
if(head==null || lastKht<1){
return head;
DoubleNode cur = head;
cur = cur.next;
head.last = null;
if(lastKht<0){ cur = head;
while(++lastKht !=0){
cur = cur.next;
DoubleNode newNext = cur.next.next;
cur.next = newNext;
if(newNext != null){
newNext.last =cur;
} return head; } }


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