之前在Asset store上面下载了一个模型,有动画,可是想在Animation窗体编辑动画,插入关键帧的时候,出现了一点问题,发现动画切片是可读的。




You have to duplicate the animationclip-asset. Select the animation clip in your imported model and press ctrl+d. Now you should have a seperate AnimationClip file. This animation clip have to be
added to an instance of your model. Just drag your model asset into the scene and replace the referenced AnimationClip in the animation array. After you added the AnimationClip to your model you can open the animation editor window and select your model in
the hierarchy. Select the right animation on top (if there are multiple) and you can edit anything in this animation. All changes will be saved to the .anim file since that's the animation you're using now.

You can't replace the AnimationClip on the imported model itself but you can create a new prefab out of the instanciated model in your scene. This prefab will used the assigned AnimationClip.

I have created a special AssetPostProcessor which automatically extracts the .anim files and add them automatically to the model prefab since we have 90+ animations ;)






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