Laughter is an instant vacation.


Always present a smile on your face, even there's no joyful thing.

The pains that you are suffering sometimes are inevitable, only you know how that hurt, even you tell someone else what you have experienced and how painful you have felt, they won't completely empathsize with you, some even deem you as weak, uncapable, unreliable.

We have been told not to care too much and fear about judgements made by others, nevertheless, most of us cannot act in that way, after all, this is world full of judgements.

So, no matter how depressed or frustrated you feel in your inner heart, just present a smile on your face, that would make you lovely and more welcome, at least it appears to be so.

I like men who have a future and women who have a past.


I also like men who have a future because they may be saturated with energy and vigour, being with those people, maybe I can be influenced by their positive thoughts and behaviours.

But I don't like women who have a past, however, almost every woman I have met with has a past.


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  4. CI如何接受POST请求中的JSON数据
  5. 为Virtualbox中的Solaris10安装VBoxAdditions
  6. GC回收建议
  7. TCP Socket的通讯框架
  8. hdu 验证角谷猜想 1279
  9. OC学习中遇到的问题总结
  10. WebSocket是一种协议
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  2. ORA-XXXX错误集合
  3. 【LESS系列】一些常用的Mixins
  4. 冀永楠:OCR的应用锦集及背后技术
  5. Hibernate各种查询操作(二)
  6. 【.Net】 【C++】容器类型对照
  7. luajit+nginx+上传模块+lua模块编译安装
  8. Django settings.py添加静态文件夹
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  10. VirtualBox-4.3.0启动报错及解决办法