


1.1 Git是什么?


1.2 Git安装;



1.3 Git


  • git init
  • git status 
  • git add 文件名
  • git add .
  • git commit -m "提交详细的版本信息,切记!"
  • git log 
  • git reflog
  • git reset --hard 记录ID
  • git checkout
  • git config --global user.email  “你的邮箱”
  • git config --global user.name "你的名字"
  • 注意git颜色的变化!



  • 1、git stash
  • 2、git stash pop
  • 3、git stash list
  • 4、git stash clear
  • 5、git stash apply
  • 6、git stash drop


  • 1、git branch
  • 2、git branch dev
  • 3、git branch bug
  • 4、git checkout master
  • 5、git checkout dev
  • 6、git checkout bug
  • 7、git branch -d dev
  • 8、git checkout master;git merge dev
TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ pwd
/c/Users/TQTL911/PycharmProjects/dbhot TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git init
Reinitialized existing Git repository in C:/Users/TQTL911/PycharmProjects/dbhot/.git/ TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git status
On branch master
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: .idea/workspace.xml
modified: templates/index.html no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git commit -m "提交index.html"
On branch master
Changes not staged for commit:
modified: .idea/workspace.xml
modified: templates/index.html no changes added to commit TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git log
commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec (HEAD -> master)
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本 TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git reflog
b880b6a (HEAD -> master) HEAD@{0}: reset: moving to b880b6a
1273732 HEAD@{1}: commit: 提交了sqllite.db文件
a07f721 HEAD@{2}: reset: moving to a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
b880b6a (HEAD -> master) HEAD@{3}: commit: 添加了欧美版本的内容
471ecb9 HEAD@{4}: commit: 初次提交
a07f721 HEAD@{5}: commit (initial): 创建第一个版本 TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git reset --hard
HEAD is now at b880b6a 添加了欧美版本的内容 TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git config --global user.email "tqtl@tqtl.org" TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git config --global user.name "cuixiaozhao" TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git log
commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec (HEAD -> master)
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本 TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git --help
usage: git [--version] [--help] [-C <path>] [-c <name>=<value>]
[--exec-path[=<path>]] [--html-path] [--man-path] [--info-path]
[-p | --paginate | -P | --no-pager] [--no-replace-objects] [--bare]
[--git-dir=<path>] [--work-tree=<path>] [--namespace=<name>]
<command> [<args>] These are common Git commands used in various situations: start a working area (see also: git help tutorial)
clone Clone a repository into a new directory
init Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one work on the current change (see also: git help everyday)
add Add file contents to the index
mv Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink
reset Reset current HEAD to the specified state
rm Remove files from the working tree and from the index examine the history and state (see also: git help revisions)
bisect Use binary search to find the commit that introduced a bug
grep Print lines matching a pattern
log Show commit logs
show Show various types of objects
status Show the working tree status grow, mark and tweak your common history
branch List, create, or delete branches
checkout Switch branches or restore working tree files
commit Record changes to the repository
diff Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc
merge Join two or more development histories together
rebase Reapply commits on top of another base tip
tag Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG collaborate (see also: git help workflows)
fetch Download objects and refs from another repository
pull Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch
push Update remote refs along with associated objects 'git help -a' and 'git help -g' list available subcommands and some
concept guides. See 'git help <command>' or 'git help <concept>'
to read about a specific subcommand or concept. TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git status
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git reflog
b880b6a (HEAD -> master) HEAD@{0}: reset: moving to HEAD
b880b6a (HEAD -> master) HEAD@{1}: reset: moving to b880b6a
1273732 HEAD@{2}: commit: 提交了sqllite.db文件
a07f721 HEAD@{3}: reset: moving to a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
b880b6a (HEAD -> master) HEAD@{4}: commit: 添加了欧美版本的内容
471ecb9 HEAD@{5}: commit: 初次提交
a07f721 HEAD@{6}: commit (initial): 创建第一个版本 TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git log
commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec (HEAD -> master)
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本 TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git checkout TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git commit -m "崔晓昭git练习"
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ Git reflog
b880b6a (HEAD -> master) HEAD@{0}: reset: moving to HEAD
b880b6a (HEAD -> master) HEAD@{1}: reset: moving to b880b6a
1273732 HEAD@{2}: commit: 提交了sqllite.db文件
a07f721 HEAD@{3}: reset: moving to a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
b880b6a (HEAD -> master) HEAD@{4}: commit: 添加了欧美版本的内容
471ecb9 HEAD@{5}: commit: 初次提交
a07f721 HEAD@{6}: commit (initial): 创建第一个版本 TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git log
commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec (HEAD -> master)
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本 TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git status
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git add . TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git add . TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git status
On branch master
Changes to be committed:
(use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage) modified: .idea/workspace.xml
modified: templates/index.html TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git commit -m "delete rh"
[master 1edb258] delete rh
2 files changed, 128 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-) TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git status
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git reflog
1edb258 (HEAD -> master) HEAD@{0}: commit: delete rh
b880b6a HEAD@{1}: reset: moving to HEAD
b880b6a HEAD@{2}: reset: moving to b880b6a
1273732 HEAD@{3}: commit: 提交了sqllite.db文件
a07f721 HEAD@{4}: reset: moving to a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
b880b6a HEAD@{5}: commit: 添加了欧美版本的内容
471ecb9 HEAD@{6}: commit: 初次提交
a07f721 HEAD@{7}: commit (initial): 创建第一个版本 TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git stash
No local changes to save TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git stash pop
No stash entries found. TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git add . TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git commit -m "start"
[master 0729bca] start
1 file changed, 1 deletion(-) TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git log
commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a (HEAD -> master)
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本 TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git add . TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git commit -m "日韩"
[master 7dbf5e4] 日韩
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ Git status
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git status
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git status
On branch master
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: .idea/workspace.xml
modified: templates/index.html no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git stash
Saved working directory and index state WIP on master: 7dbf5e4 日韩 TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git status
On branch master
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: templates/index.html no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git add . TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git commit -m "del日韩"
[master 50f7baf] del日韩
1 file changed, 1 deletion(-) TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git status
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git stash pop
Auto-merging templates/index.html
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in templates/index.html TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git stash
templates/index.html: needs merge
templates/index.html: needs merge
templates/index.html: unmerged (65be9c5af8547d4484a792635f31c1d0b11109a9)
templates/index.html: unmerged (cdfac89732ee27af4f15c417badff123a4a996c4)
templates/index.html: unmerged (6313261801962de004f2f93144513f2a2167ded7)
fatal: git-write-tree: error building trees
Cannot save the current index state TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git add . TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git commit -m "在线"
[master 6631380] 在线
2 files changed, 217 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ Git stash pop
Auto-merging templates/index.html
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in templates/index.html
Auto-merging .idea/workspace.xml
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in .idea/workspace.xml TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git add . TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git commit -m "继续开发"
[master 85e0d8a] 继续开发
2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ Git status
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git stash list
stash@{0}: WIP on master: 7dbf5e4 日韩 TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git status
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git status
On branch master
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: templates/index.html no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git stash
Saved working directory and index state WIP on master: 85e0d8a 继续开发 TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git stash pop
On branch master
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: templates/index.html no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
Dropped refs/stash@{0} (9c21631693065e6a1825002aca9814a9c94a035b) TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git stash list
stash@{0}: WIP on master: 7dbf5e4 日韩 TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git stash
Saved working directory and index state WIP on master: 85e0d8a 继续开发 TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git stash list
stash@{0}: WIP on master: 85e0d8a 继续开发
stash@{1}: WIP on master: 7dbf5e4 日韩 TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git status
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git status
On branch master
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: templates/index.html no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git commit -m "直播开发完成"
On branch master
Changes not staged for commit:
modified: templates/index.html no changes added to commit TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git status
On branch master
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: templates/index.html no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git add . TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git commit -m "直播开发完成"
[master d6f4edf] 直播开发完成
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git status
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git status
On branch master
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: templates/index.html no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git add . TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git status
On branch master
Changes to be committed:
(use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage) modified: templates/index.html TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git log
commit d6f4edf06369f731a5b0fff372735149ae103afd (HEAD -> master)
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 10:04:01 2018 +0800
commit d6f4edf06369f731a5b0fff372735149ae103afd (HEAD -> master)
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 10:04:01 2018 +0800 直播开发完成 commit 85e0d8a8fb958d6dfc5ff786a4bce0cb6b24c628
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:57:49 2018 +0800 继续开发 commit 6631380f2aad839d06eb557782b7a095bc3a68d8
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:53:52 2018 +0800 在线 commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh
commit d6f4edf06369f731a5b0fff372735149ae103afd (HEAD -> master)
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 10:04:01 2018 +0800 直播开发完成 commit 85e0d8a8fb958d6dfc5ff786a4bce0cb6b24c628
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:57:49 2018 +0800 继续开发 commit 6631380f2aad839d06eb557782b7a095bc3a68d8
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:53:52 2018 +0800 在线 commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 10:04:01 2018 +0800 直播开发完成 commit 85e0d8a8fb958d6dfc5ff786a4bce0cb6b24c628
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:57:49 2018 +0800 继续开发 commit 6631380f2aad839d06eb557782b7a095bc3a68d8
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:53:52 2018 +0800 在线 commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800
commit d6f4edf06369f731a5b0fff372735149ae103afd (HEAD -> master)
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 10:04:01 2018 +0800 直播开发完成 commit 85e0d8a8fb958d6dfc5ff786a4bce0cb6b24c628
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:57:49 2018 +0800 继续开发 commit 6631380f2aad839d06eb557782b7a095bc3a68d8
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:53:52 2018 +0800 在线 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
git status
On branch master
Changes to be committed:
(use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage) modified: templates/index.html TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git reflog
d6f4edf (HEAD -> master) HEAD@{0}: commit: 直播开发完成
85e0d8a HEAD@{1}: reset: moving to HEAD
85e0d8a HEAD@{2}: reset: moving to HEAD
85e0d8a HEAD@{3}: commit: 继续开发
6631380 HEAD@{4}: commit: 在线
50f7baf HEAD@{5}: commit: del日韩
7dbf5e4 HEAD@{6}: reset: moving to HEAD
7dbf5e4 HEAD@{7}: commit: 日韩
0729bca HEAD@{8}: commit: start
1edb258 HEAD@{9}: commit: delete rh
b880b6a HEAD@{10}: reset: moving to HEAD
b880b6a HEAD@{11}: reset: moving to b880b6a
1273732 HEAD@{12}: commit: 提交了sqllite.db文件
a07f721 HEAD@{13}: reset: moving to a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
b880b6a HEAD@{14}: commit: 添加了欧美版本的内容
471ecb9 HEAD@{15}: commit: 初次提交
a07f721 HEAD@{16}: commit (initial): 创建第一个版本 TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git reset --hard d6f4edf
HEAD is now at d6f4edf 直播开发完成 TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git branch dev TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git branch
* master TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git checkout dev
Switched to branch 'dev' TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (dev)
$ git branch
* dev
master TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (dev)
$ git branch mater TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (dev)
$ git branch master
fatal: A branch named 'master' already exists. TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (dev)
$ git add . TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (dev)
$ git commit -m "小视频开发了1/2"
[dev 1a1d14f] 小视频开发了1/2
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (dev)
$ Git status
On branch dev
nothing to commit, working tree clean TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (dev)
$ git checkou master
git: 'checkou' is not a git command. See 'git --help'. TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (dev)
$ git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master' TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git checkout dev
Switched to branch 'dev' TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (dev)
$ git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master' TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git branch rh TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git checkout rh
Switched to branch 'rh' TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (rh)
$ git add . TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (rh)
$ git commit - m "添加了日韩的模块"
error: pathspec '-' did not match any file(s) known to git.
error: pathspec 'm' did not match any file(s) known to git.
error: pathspec '添加了日韩的模块' did not match any file(s) known to git. TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (rh)
$ Git status
On branch rh
Changes to be committed:
(use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage) modified: templates/index.html TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (rh)
$ git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
M templates/index.html TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git merge rh
Already up to date. TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git log
commit d6f4edf06369f731a5b0fff372735149ae103afd (HEAD -> master, rh, mater)
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 10:04:01 2018 +0800 直播开发完成 commit 85e0d8a8fb958d6dfc5ff786a4bce0cb6b24c628
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:57:49 2018 +0800 继续开发 commit 6631380f2aad839d06eb557782b7a095bc3a68d8
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:53:52 2018 +0800 在线 commit d6f4edf06369f731a5b0fff372735149ae103afd (HEAD -> master, rh, mater)
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 10:04:01 2018 +0800 直播开发完成 commit 85e0d8a8fb958d6dfc5ff786a4bce0cb6b24c628
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:57:49 2018 +0800 继续开发 commit 6631380f2aad839d06eb557782b7a095bc3a68d8
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:53:52 2018 +0800 在线 commit d6f4edf06369f731a5b0fff372735149ae103afd (HEAD -> master, rh, mater)
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 10:04:01 2018 +0800 直播开发完成 commit 85e0d8a8fb958d6dfc5ff786a4bce0cb6b24c628
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:57:49 2018 +0800 继续开发 commit 6631380f2aad839d06eb557782b7a095bc3a68d8
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:53:52 2018 +0800 在线 commit d6f4edf06369f731a5b0fff372735149ae103afd (HEAD -> master, rh, mater)
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 10:04:01 2018 +0800 直播开发完成 commit 85e0d8a8fb958d6dfc5ff786a4bce0cb6b24c628
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:57:49 2018 +0800 继续开发 commit 6631380f2aad839d06eb557782b7a095bc3a68d8
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:53:52 2018 +0800 在线 commit d6f4edf06369f731a5b0fff372735149ae103afd (HEAD -> master, rh, mater)
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 10:04:01 2018 +0800 直播开发完成
commit d6f4edf06369f731a5b0fff372735149ae103afd (HEAD -> master, rh, mater)
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 10:04:01 2018 +0800 直播开发完成 commit 85e0d8a8fb958d6dfc5ff786a4bce0cb6b24c628
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:57:49 2018 +0800 继续开发 commit 6631380f2aad839d06eb557782b7a095bc3a68d8
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:53:52 2018 +0800 在线 commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本
commit d6f4edf06369f731a5b0fff372735149ae103afd (HEAD -> master, rh, mater)
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 10:04:01 2018 +0800 直播开发完成 commit 85e0d8a8fb958d6dfc5ff786a4bce0cb6b24c628
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:57:49 2018 +0800 继续开发 commit 6631380f2aad839d06eb557782b7a095bc3a68d8
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:53:52 2018 +0800 commit 6631380f2aad839d06eb557782b7a095bc3a68d8
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:53:52 2018 +0800 在线 commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本
TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master) TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git log
commit d6f4edf06369f731a5b0fff372735149ae103afd (HEAD -> master, rh, mater)
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 10:04:01 2018 +0800 直播开发完成 commit 85e0d8a8fb958d6dfc5ff786a4bce0cb6b24c628
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:57:49 2018 +0800 继续开发 commit 6631380f2aad839d06eb557782b7a095bc3a68d8
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:53:52 2018 +0800 在线 commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh
commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本
commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本
commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本
commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本
commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本
commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本
commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本
commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本
commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本
commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本
commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本
commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本
commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本
commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本
commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本
commit d6f4edf06369f731a5b0fff372735149ae103afd (HEAD -> master, rh, mater)
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 10:04:01 2018 +0800 直播开发完成 commit 85e0d8a8fb958d6dfc5ff786a4bce0cb6b24c628
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:57:49 2018 +0800 继续开发 commit 6631380f2aad839d06eb557782b7a095bc3a68d8
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:53:52 2018 +0800 在线 commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh
commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本
commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本
commit d6f4edf06369f731a5b0fff372735149ae103afd (HEAD -> master, rh, mater)
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 10:04:01 2018 +0800 直播开发完成 commit 85e0d8a8fb958d6dfc5ff786a4bce0cb6b24c628
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:57:49 2018 +0800 继续开发 commit 6631380f2aad839d06eb557782b7a095bc3a68d8
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:53:52 2018 +0800 在线 commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh
commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本
commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本
commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本
(END) TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master) TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git log
commit d6f4edf06369f731a5b0fff372735149ae103afd (HEAD -> master, rh, mater)
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 10:04:01 2018 +0800 直播开发完成 commit 85e0d8a8fb958d6dfc5ff786a4bce0cb6b24c628
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:57:49 2018 +0800 继续开发 commit 6631380f2aad839d06eb557782b7a095bc3a68d8
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:53:52 2018 +0800 在线 commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh
commit d6f4edf06369f731a5b0fff372735149ae103afd (HEAD -> master, rh, mater)
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 10:04:01 2018 +0800 直播开发完成 commit 85e0d8a8fb958d6dfc5ff786a4bce0cb6b24c628
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:57:49 2018 +0800 继续开发 commit 6631380f2aad839d06eb557782b7a095bc3a68d8
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:53:52 2018 +0800 在线 commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh
: 1 [sig] bash 10880! sigpacket::process: Suppressing signal 18 to win32 process (pid 12996) commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 : TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
git log
commit d6f4edf06369f731a5b0fff372735149ae103afd (HEAD -> master, rh, mater)
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 10:04:01 2018 +0800 直播开发完成 commit 85e0d8a8fb958d6dfc5ff786a4bce0cb6b24c628
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:57:49 2018 +0800 继续开发 commit 6631380f2aad839d06eb557782b7a095bc3a68d8
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:53:52 2018 +0800 在线 commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh
commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本
(END) 1 [sig] bash 10476! sigpacket::process: Suppressing signal 18 to win32 process (pid 6656)
commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本
commit d6f4edf06369f731a5b0fff372735149ae103afd (HEAD -> master, rh, mater)
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 10:04:01 2018 +0800 直播开发完成 commit 85e0d8a8fb958d6dfc5ff786a4bce0cb6b24c628
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:57:49 2018 +0800 继续开发 commit 6631380f2aad839d06eb557782b7a095bc3a68d8
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:53:52 2018 +0800 在线 commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh
commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本
commit d6f4edf06369f731a5b0fff372735149ae103afd (HEAD -> master, rh, mater)
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 10:04:01 2018 +0800 直播开发完成 commit 85e0d8a8fb958d6dfc5ff786a4bce0cb6b24c628
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:57:49 2018 +0800 继续开发 commit 6631380f2aad839d06eb557782b7a095bc3a68d8
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:53:52 2018 +0800 在线 commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh
...skipping... 在线 commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本
ESC TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
ash: OA: command not found TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git log
commit d6f4edf06369f731a5b0fff372735149ae103afd (HEAD -> master, rh, mater)
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 10:04:01 2018 +0800 直播开发完成 commit 85e0d8a8fb958d6dfc5ff786a4bce0cb6b24c628
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:57:49 2018 +0800 继续开发 commit 6631380f2aad839d06eb557782b7a095bc3a68d8
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:53:52 2018 +0800 在线 commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本
commit d6f4edf06369f731a5b0fff372735149ae103afd (HEAD -> master, rh, mater)
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 10:04:01 2018 +0800 直播开发完成 commit 85e0d8a8fb958d6dfc5ff786a4bce0cb6b24c628
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:57:49 2018 +0800 继续开发 commit 6631380f2aad839d06eb557782b7a095bc3a68d8
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:53:52 2018 +0800 在线 commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh
commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本
commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本
commit d6f4edf06369f731a5b0fff372735149ae103afd (HEAD -> master, rh, mater)
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 10:04:01 2018 +0800 直播开发完成 commit 85e0d8a8fb958d6dfc5ff786a4bce0cb6b24c628
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:57:49 2018 +0800 继续开发 commit 6631380f2aad839d06eb557782b7a095bc3a68d8
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:53:52 2018 +0800 在线 commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh
: TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master) TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ Git branch -d rh
Deleted branch rh (was d6f4edf). TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git branch
* master
mater TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git checkout dev
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:
Please commit your changes or stash them before you switch branches.
Aborting TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git checkout dev
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:
Please commit your changes or stash them before you switch branches.
Aborting TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git status
On branch master
Changes to be committed:
(use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage) modified: templates/index.html TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git commit -m "master定版!"
[master 9df49bf] master定版!
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ Git status
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git checkout dev
Switched to branch 'dev' TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (dev)
$ git status
On branch dev
nothing to commit, working tree clean TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (dev)
$ git status
On branch dev
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: templates/index.html no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (dev)
$ git add . TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (dev)
$ git commit -m "小视频功能开发完毕!"
[dev 7c19e8a] 小视频功能开发完毕!
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (dev)
$ git status
On branch dev
nothing to commit, working tree clean TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (dev)
$ git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master' TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git merge dev
Auto-merging templates/index.html
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
templates/index.html | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git status
On branch master
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: templates/index.html no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git add . TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git commit -m "清空空格"
[master 84595ae] 清空空格
1 file changed, 1 deletion(-) TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git status
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git log
commit 84595aeaf6b38069829ec1e5f4ceb28081d3d56d (HEAD -> master)
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 10:22:21 2018 +0800 清空空格 commit 3bf2561d1ca4b99741b9891fd47262eeb9ec62b3
Merge: 9df49bf 7c19e8a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 10:20:23 2018 +0800 Merge branch 'dev' commit 7c19e8ab6fd837d97cc8ed5d834c7c7cf927b224 (dev)
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 10:20:01 2018 +0800 小视频功能开发完毕! commit 9df49bf7fc4d0caf0ee0b75b682d1b65ed0ce938
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 10:18:52 2018 +0800 master定版! commit 1a1d14fc9f72c5d5f1f4a7807eb4169ca10d1488
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 10:08:42 2018 +0800 小视频开发了1/2 commit d6f4edf06369f731a5b0fff372735149ae103afd (mater)
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 10:04:01 2018 +0800 直播开发完成 commit 85e0d8a8fb958d6dfc5ff786a4bce0cb6b24c628
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:57:49 2018 +0800 ...skipping...
commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本
commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本
commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本
commit 50f7baf3ee11befe9b6ff4fac4e54641d2cff595
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:51:44 2018 +0800 del日韩 commit 7dbf5e4a7c3f145eb2d66d84dfee7f5fe05b32e4
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:43 2018 +0800 日韩 commit 0729bca7d8056171f4ae404fd5dd9481e31fcf9a
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:47:12 2018 +0800 start commit 1edb258bc613bca3f81432e71753269337043537
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Thu Aug 30 09:44:31 2018 +0800 delete rh commit b880b6aa979b742695a7b02e0e72509e6d5d5bec
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:30:22 2018 +0800 添加了欧美版本的内容 commit 471ecb97981e650c3ae843273c4bfa679294d556
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:27:23 2018 +0800 初次提交 commit a07f721888e0027a4e60af09138806003dfe126c
Author: cuixiaozhao <tqtl@tqtl.org>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:21:08 2018 +0800 创建第一个版本
(END) TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
bash: gt: command not found TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git branch bug TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git checkout bug
Switched to branch 'bug' TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (bug)
$ git add . TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (bug)
$ git commit -m "修复了大视频的bug"
[bug 1c3ab5f] 修复了大视频的bug
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (bug)
$ Git status
On branch bug
nothing to commit, working tree clean TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (bug)
$ git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master' TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git merge bug
Updating 84595ae..1c3ab5f
templates/index.html | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git checkout dev
Switched to branch 'dev' TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (dev)
$ git add . TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (dev)
$ git commit -m "增添了aaaaa"
[dev 2c89b41] 增添了aaaaa
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (dev)
$ git status
On branch dev
nothing to commit, working tree clean TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (dev)
$ Git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master' TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git merge dev
Auto-merging templates/index.html
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in templates/index.html
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result. TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master|MERGING)
$ git add . TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master|MERGING)
$ git commit -m "dev和master合并"
[master 9cd5d05] dev和master合并 TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)
$ git status
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean TQTL911@DESKTOP-U8JDGPP MINGW64 ~/PycharmProjects/dbhot (master)










 134  git remote add origin https://github.com/tqtl911/dbhot.git
135 git push origin master



repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = false
bare = false
logallrefupdates = true
symlinks = false
ignorecase = true
[remote "origin"]
url = https://github.com/tqtl911/dbhot.git
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*


  • git remote add origin https://github.com/tqtl911/dbhot.git
  • git clone https://github.com/tqtl911/dbhot.git
  • git pull origin dev(等价于git fetch origin dev;git merge origin/dev)
  • git pull origin master(等价于git fetch origin master;git merge origin/master)


1、git push origin dev 等价于git fetch origin dev  git merge origin/dev,;

2、如果不想出现下体的分支,可以使用git rebase origin/dev来代替以上的git merge origin/dev




3、Redis位于Linux下的安装;yum install -y redis



#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# __Author__:TQTL911
# Version:python3.6.6
# Time:2018/8/30 20:35
import redis ## 创建连接;
# conn = redis.Redis(host='', port=6379, password='Ab123456.')
# conn.set('x1', 'wanghuaqiang', ex=5)
# val = conn.get('x1')
# print(val) # 推荐使用Redis连接池;
pool = redis.ConnectionPool(host='', port=6379, password='Ab123456.', max_connections=1000)
conn = redis.Redis(connection_pool=pool)
conn.set('foo', 'Bar') # 问题来了; # 引入连接池;
from redis_pool import POOL while True:
key = input('请输入key:')
value = input('请输入value:')
# 到连接池中去获取链接;
conn = redis.Redis(connection_pool=POOL)
# 设置值;
conn.set(key, value)


#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# __Author__:TQTL911
# Version:python3.6.6
# Time:2018/8/30 20:59 # 创建连接池(单例模式);
import redis
POOL = redis.ConnectionPool(host='', port=6379, password='Ab123456.', max_connections=1000)


  • git版本控制工具初识;
  • git + github;
  • Redis缓存数据库初识;
  • 建议使用Redis连接池;


  1. 【译】Unity3D Shader 新手教程(2/6) &mdash;&mdash; 积雪Shader
  2. HTML5 与 CSS3 jQuery部分知识总结【转】
  3. jquery.datatable.js与CI整合 异步加载(大数据量处理)
  4. Setting start page of Windows Phone dynamically through code
  5. static静态结合&amp;符号理解
  6. 新浪微博客户端(14)-截取回调地址中的授权成功的请求标记,换取access_token
  7. ios UIWebView截获html并修改便签内容(转载)
  8. OpenGL ES 2.0 光照
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  2. Android(java)学习笔记87:Android音视频MediaRecorder用法
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  5. windows下sorl安装
  6. 实用小工具不定期合集(textarea 高度自适应、自动计算Y轴刻度、json转table)
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  8. 转:对比python 链接 neo4j 驱动,py2neo 和 neo4j-driver 和 neo4jrestclient
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