lesson 23 one man's meat is another man's poison

  1. delicacy n. 美味;佳肴; delicious adj. 美味的;可口的
  2. 关于虚拟语气
    • If I knew the answer, I would tell you.(if I did sth,I would ...)
    • 在虚拟语气中没有was
    • If he were happy now, he could/should/might/would talk to me.
  3. repulsive repel adj. 排斥的;令人厌恶的;/vt. 击退;抵制;
  4. at the idea of / at the sight of 想到...的时候/看到...的时候
  5. bring sb up = raise 养育,抚养
  6. stick stuck stuck vi. 坚持;伸出;粘住
    • stick to rule/tradition/promise
  7. praise and abuse 褒贬
  8. despise dis bays vt. 轻视,鄙视 看不起就拜拜
  9. impulse 冲动,心血来潮
    • do sth on impulse 做某事一时冲动
  10. be pleased/happy with 对...满意
  11. fancy v.喜爱
  12. to one's dismay 是某人惊愕(不太好的事
  13. take possession of 占有/拥有
  14. 关于走的词语:
    • stroll 漫步
    • wander 漫游
    • stride strode strode 大步走
    • march 齐步走
    • tiptoe 用脚尖走


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