1、Goal of mapping

1)We want to assign reads to genes they were derived from

2)The result of the mapping will be used to construct a summary of the counts: the count table.

2 、不同情况 in RNA-seq

1)Reference genome sequenceavailable

2)NO reference genome sequence available

  De novo assembly of the reads   (trinity  transcriptome construction)

  Map the reads to the assembly   (RSEM mapper)

    Extract count table   (note:no removal of polyA is required. Computationally expensive!)

3、Reads mapped to reference genome


1)Reference is haplotype: mixture of alleles, leads to mismatches.


2)Reads contain sequencing errors「


3)Reads derived from mRNA, genome is DNA

4、visualize SAM or aBAM

The outcome of the alignment is a SAM or a BAM format, which you can visualize in Galaxy (or with a stand-alone viewer such as GenomeView or IGV.

Galaxy  https://www.galaxyproject.org/  stand-double

GenomeView      stand-alone

IGV          stand-alone

5、Mapping QC

RseQC  http://rseqc.sourceforge.net/         After checking the mapping visually, determine more metrics with RseQC

BAMQC   http://qualimap.bioinfo.cipf.es/       mainly useful for DNA-seq

exeicise:  http://wiki.bits.vib.be/index.php/RNA-Seq_analysis_for_differential_expression#Mapping_processed_data


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