Type hints最大的好处就是易于代码维护。当新成员加入,想要贡献代码时,能减少很多时间。




def add(a, b):
return a + b


def add(a: int, b: int) -> int:
return a + b

我们注意到,返回类型是在函数定义末尾使用 -> 符号来指明。






$ pip install mypy



class Student:

    def __init__(self, name, batch, branch, roll):
self.name = name
self.batch = batch
self.branch = branch
self.roll = roll
self.semester = None
self.papers = {} def is_passed(self):
"To find if the student has pass the exam in the current semester"
for k, v in self.papers.items():
if v < 34:
return False return True def total_score(self):
"Returns the total score of the student"
total = 0
for k, v in self.papers.items():
total += v return total std1 = Student("Kushal", 2005, "cse", "123")
std2 = Student("Sayan", 2005, "cse", 121)
std3 = Student("Anwesha", 2005, "law", 122) std1.papers = {"english": 78, "math": 82, "science": 77}
std2.papers = {"english": 80, "math": 92, "science": "78"}
std3.papers = {"english": 82, "math": 87, "science": 77} for std in [std1, std2, std3]:
print("Passed: {0}. The toral score of {1} is {2}".format(std.is_passed(), std.name, std.total_score()))


使用 mypy




class Student:

    def __init__(self, name: str, batch: int, branch: str, roll: int) -> None:
self.name = name
self.batch = batch
self.branch = branch
self.roll = roll
self.semester = None
self.papers = {} $ mypy students2.py
students2.py:9: error: Need type annotation for 'papers'
students2.py:29: error: Argument 4 to "Student" has incompatible type "str"; expected "int"


from typing import Dict

class Student:

    def __init__(self, name: str, batch: int, branch: str, roll: int) -> None:
self.name = name
self.batch = batch
self.branch = branch
self.roll = roll
self.semester = None
self.papers: Dict[str, int] = {} def is_passed(self):
"To find if the student has pass the exam in the current semester"
for k, v in self.papers.items():
if v < 34:
return False return True def total_score(self):
"Returns the total score of the student"
total = 0
for k, v in self.papers.items():
total += v return total std1: Student = Student("Kushal", 2005, "cse", 123)
std2: Student = Student("Sayan", 2005, "cse", 121)
std3: Student = Student("Anwesha", 2005, "law", 122) std1.papers = {"english": 78, "math": 82, "science": 77}
std2.papers = {"english": 80, "math": 92, "science": 78}
std3.papers = {"english": 82, "math": 87, "science": 77} for std in [std1, std2, std3]:
print("Passed: {0}. The toral score of {1} is {2}".format(std.is_passed(), std.name, std.total_score()))

现在,没有任何错误了。在第一行我们还从typing包引入了Dcit。并作为了self.paper的类型注解,这里的意思就是该变量是字典类型,使用字符串作为键,整型作为值。我们设置std1, std2和std3变量注解为Student类。


std1.papers = ["English", "Math"]


std2.papers = {1: "Engish", 2: "Math"}


$ mypy students2.py
students2.py:35: error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type List[str], variable has type Dict[str, int])
students2.py:36: error: Dict entry 0 has incompatible type "int": "str"
students2.py:36: error: Dict entry 1 has incompatible type "int": "str"


from typing import List, Tuple, Sequence, Optional

values: List[int] = []
city: int = 350 # The city code, not a name # This function returns a Tuple of two values, a str and an int
def get_details() -> Tuple[str, int]:
return "Python", 5 # The following is an example of Tuple unpacking
name: str
marks: int
name, marks = get_details() def print_all(values: Sequence) -> None:
for v in values:
print(v) print_all([1,2,3])
print_all({"name": "kushal", "class": 5})
# alltypes.py:23: error: Argument 1 to "print_all" has incompatible type Dict[str, object]; expected Sequence[Any]
# But running the code will give us no error with wrong output def add_ten(number: Optional[int] = None) -> int:
if number:
return number + 10
return 42 print(add_ten())

你可以从PEP 484了解更多类型。typing模块进行更多例子解释如何在代码中使用类型注解。


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