1       Lists

1.1  定义并访问Lists

List list = new List[].也可以使用泛型。访问list中的元素,可以使用list.get(i) or list[i]。

package list

class ListMapTest {

public static void main(args){

List<Integer> list = [1,2,3,4];

println list[2]

List<Person> persons = list[];

Person p = new Person("Jim","Knopf")

persons[0] = p

println persons.size()

println persons[0].firstName

println persons.get(0).firstName





package list

class ListMapTest2 {

static main(args) {

List<Person> persons = new ArrayList<Person>();

persons[0] = new Person("Jim","Knopf")

persons[1] = new Person("Test","Test")

println persons.firstName




1.2  list与array互转


package list

class List2array {

static main(args) {

def String[] strings = "This is a long sentence".split();


def List listStrings = strings;


def String[] arrayStrings = listStrings

println strings.class.name

println listStrings.class.name

println arrayStrings.class.name




1.3  List 方法


  • reverse()
  • sort()
  • remove(index)
  • findAll{closure} - returns all list elements for which the closure validates to true
  • first()
  • last()
  • max()
  • min()
  • join("string") 合并list中所有的元素,调用toString方法,并且连接到一起
  • << e 追加元素e到该list

grep 方法,用于过滤集合中指定的元素。

1.4  Operator overloading in Lists


1.5  Spreaddot 操作符

*. 分隔符,常被用来调用一个集合中的所有元素。操作的结果是另外一个集合对象。

package list

class SpreaddotTest {

static main(args) {

def list = ["Hello","Test","Lars"]


def sizeList = list*.size()

assert sizeList == [5,4,4]





1.6  搜索list(find, findall and grep)


  • findAll{closure} - returns all list elements for which the closure validates to true
  • find{closure} - returns the list element for which the closure validates to true
  • grep(Object filter) - Iterates over the collection of items and returns each item that matches the given filter - calling the Object#isCase. This method can be used with different kinds of filters like regular expressions, classes, ranges etc.

package list

class FindAndGrepTest {

static main(args) {

def l1 = ['test',12,20,true]


assert[true] == l1.grep(Boolean)


assert['Groovy'] == ['test','Groovy','Java'].grep(~/^G.*/)

//返回list中包含b和c的元素,注:['b', 'c'],是一个集合

assert ['b', 'c'] == ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'].grep(['b', 'c'])




assert[42.031] == [15,'Peter',42.031,42.032].grep(42.031)


assert[50,100,300] == [10, 12, 30, 50, 100, 300].grep({it > 40})




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