先上注册机 点击下载
How to add the WSMBT control to the toolbox:
  1. On the Tools menu, click Choose Toolbox Items.
  2. Click browse. The open dialog appears.
  3. Browse for the wsmbt.dll
  4. Click ok in the "Choose toolbox Items" dialog box.
  5. Now you can find the WSMBT control in the toolbox.
  6. Add the WSMBTControl to your form like you add a timer.

Example code how to make a connection.

WSMBT.Result Result;

wsmbtControl1.Mode = WSMBS.Mode.TCP_IP;

wsmbtControl1.ResponseTimeout = ;

wsmbtControl1.ConnectTimeout = ;

Result = wsmbtControl1.Connect("", );

if (Result != WSMBT.Result.SUCCESS)


Example code to read 10 holding registers.

Int16[] Registers = new Int16[];

WSMBT.Result Result;

Result = wsmbtControl1.ReadHoldingRegisters(, , , Registers);

if (Result != WSMBT.Result.SUCCESS)


bool vaild =  mbsSerial.LicenseKey("661366411818111882382891650B3");

            if (!vaild)




            Int16[] registers = new Int16[];

            WSMBS.Result Result;

            Result = mbsSerial.Open();

            if (Result != WSMBS.Result.SUCCESS)




            Result = mbsSerial.ReadHoldingRegisters(, , , registers);


            byte[] x = ParseHex("0x4481");


            //MessageBox.Show(mbsSerial.RegistersToFloat(0x4841, 0x0000).ToString());

           // MessageBox.Show(Result.ToString() + registers.Length.ToString());



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