
One of the most common questions that get asked during interviews for C++ programmers is to explain the differences between using malloc and using new. It’s also a fairly common question in some of newsgroups and C++ forums.


Constructors and Destructors

When you new an object, space for the object is not only allocated but the object’s constructor is called. And similarly when you delete an object, the object’s destructor is called before the memory is released. If you use malloc and free, the destructor and constructor do not get called respectively and obviously, this simply won’t do in C++ except in certain very rare situations where you have classes without any specific destructor/constructors.



It’s very easy to test this out by using the following test class.


class Test
cout << "Test : ctor\r\n";
cout << "Test : dtor\r\n";
void Hello()
cout << "Test : Hello World\r\n";

Create, use and delete the object using new/delete as well as using malloc/free :-


int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
cout << "1\r\n";
Test* t1 = new Test();
delete t1;
cout << "2\r\n";
Test* t2 = (Test*) malloc(sizeof Test);
return 0;

You’ll see the following output:-



Test : ctor

Test : Hello World

Test : dtor


Test : Hello World

As obvious from the output, malloc/free did not result in either the destructor or the constructor being called.


Choosing constructor overloads

For non-array allocations, you can actually specify the specific overload of the constructor that you wish to use as in :- T t = new T(x, y, z); For array allocations using new, the default constructor will get used. If you attempt an array allocation on an object that does not have a default constructor, you get a compiler error .

(对于非数组分配空间。你能够使用T t = new T(x, y, z)去差别重载的构造函数。对于使用new分配的数组空间。默认的构造函数将被调用。


class Test2



Test2(int y)





Test2* t2array = new Test2[10];

For example, if you attempt to compile the above snippet, you’ll get an error


Type-casting forced by malloc

Because malloc returns a void* the caller has to do a type-cast to get it to compile.


Test* t1 = new Test();

Test* t2 = (Test*) malloc(sizeof Test);

Native types

For native types new/delete and malloc/free work the same way except for the need to type-cast in the case of malloc/free. So it’s just a matter of user preference.


//declaring native type
int* i1 = new int;
delete i1;
int* i2 = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int));
//declaring native type array
char** c1 = new char*[10];
delete[] c1;
char** c2 = (char**) malloc(sizeof(char)*10);

Safety tip

Always delete what you new, and free what you malloc, never mix new with free or malloc with delete.


No realloc alternative for new/delete

The new/delete couple not have a realloc alternative that is available when you use the malloc/free pair. realloc is pretty handy if you want to resize the length of an array or a memory block dynamically, specially since the contents of the array/block remain same up to the shorter of the old and new sizes. To see this in action, see the following code snippet :-


char* p = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*12);
strcpy(p,"hello world");
cout << p << "\r\n";
p = (char*)realloc(p, sizeof(char)*24);
strcat(p," from Nish");
cout << p << "\r\n";

The output you get will be :-

hello world

hello world from Nish

As you can see from the output, the original contents were retained.



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